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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2015Role of Api5 acetylation and its interaction with TopBP1LAHIRI, MAYURIKA; PANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; VICTOR, MARINA; Dept. of Biology; 20101057
May-2016Biochemical and Structural studies on SofG, a GTPase involved in motility of Myxococcus xanthusPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; SINGH, NINGTHOUJAM BIRJEET; Dept. of Biology; 20111073
Mar-2017Biochemical and biophysical characterisation of the non-methylated state of FrzCD, the cytoplasmic receptor of the Frz pathwayPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; MUTUM, YAIKHOMBA; Dept. of Biology; 20121029
Apr-2017Structural and Biochemical studies of SofG, a GTPase involved in bacterial cell motilityPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; LAGAD, SONAL; Dept. of Biology; 20121072
May-2018Structural and Biochemical Studies of FrzCD, A Cytoplasmic Methyl-accepting Chemosensory Protein (MCP)PANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; JAZLEENA, P. J.; Dept. of Biology; 20131033
Apr-2019Prediction and Validation of potential residues that drive allostery in myosin head domainBalasubramanian, Mohan; PANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; JADHAV, SHEKHAR; Dept. of Biology; 20141129
Apr-2019Biochemical characterization of two prokaryotic small Ras-like GTPases and their common effectorPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; KANADE, MANIL; Dept. of Biology; 20131005
May-2019Structural and Biochemical studies of a small Ras-like GTPase MglA and its activator MglB involved in Myxococcus xanthus motilityPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; BARANWAL, JYOTI; Dept. of Biology; 20123174
Nov-2019Biochemical, structural and genetic studies on the cytoskeletal proteins Fibril and MreBs from SpiroplasmaPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; HARNE, SHRIKANT; Dept. of Biology; 20133258
May-2022Characterization of Chemotaxis Proteins FrzA and FrzB in Myxococcus xanthusPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; SONARKAR, SHEFALI; Dept. of Biology; 20171098
May-2022Building a three-dimensional model for the contractile actomyosin ring of fission yeastPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; UMBARKAR, PRAJAKTA; Dept. of Biology; 20171161
May-2022Biochemical characterization of Myxococcus xanthus MreB and Structural analysis of actin filaments with interacting proteinsPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; AJITH B, AISWARYA; Dept. of Biology; 20171049
May-2022Characterization of Bacterial Chemosensory Protein, FrzE, in Myxococcus xanthusPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; P V, MEENAKSHI; Dept. of Biology; 20171087
Dec-2022Domain-wise biochemical characterization of Myxococcus xanthus FrzEPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; PAWARA, PUNAM; Dept. of Biology; 20171088
Feb-2023Characterization of Spiroplasma FtsZ: Insights into kinetic polarity and inhibitor bindingPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; CHAKRABORTY, JOYEETA; Dept. of Biology; 20152003
Mar-2023Understanding the mechanism of regulation of a small Ras-like GTPase, MglA, driving Myxococcus xanthus motilityPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; CHAKRABORTY, SUKANYA; Dept. of Biology; 20162012
Apr-2023Nucleotide dependence in polymerization and membrane remodelling by the bacterial actin MreB5 from Spiroplasma citriPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; PANDE, VANI; Dept. of Biology; 20162013
May-2023Tracing functional evolution in P-loop NTPasesPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; NATARAJ, RANJANA; Dept. of Biology; 20181027
May-2023Use of helical assembly scaffolds as tools for alleviating preferred orientation problem in Cryo-Electron MicroscopyPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; SHAHARE, AISHWARYA; Dept. of Biology; 20181093
May-2023Characterization of Spiroplasma citri MreB1PANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; UTHAMAN, AKHILESH; Dept. of Biology; 20181019