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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2007Season and landscape element wise changes in the community structure of avifauna of Tamhini, Northern Western Ghats, IndiaPadhye, Anand Dhananjay; Paingankar, Mandar S.; DAHANUKAR, NEELESH; Pande, Satish Achyut; Dept. of Biology
Jul-2008Laboratory evolution of population stability in Drosophila: constancy and persistence do not necessarily coevolveDEY, SUTIRTH; Prasad, N. G.; Shakarad, Mallikarjun; Joshi, Amitabh; Dept. of Biology
Aug-2008Cell cycle regulation by the pro-apoptotic gene ScotinGupta, Rajesh Kumar; Tripathi, Rachana; Naidu, B. Jagannatham Naidu; Srinivas, Usha K.; SHASHIDHARA, L.S.; Dept. of Biology
Oct-2008Fak56 functions downstream of integrin alphaPS3betanu and suppresses MAPK activation in neuromuscular junction growthTsai, Pei-I; GHOSE, AURNAB; Dept. of Biology
Nov-2008Cocaine- and Amphetamine-Regulated Transcript Peptide Plays a Role in the Manifestation of Depression: Social Isolation and Olfactory Bulbectomy Models Reveal Unifying PrinciplesDandekar, Manoj P.; Singru, Praful S.; Kokare, Dadasaheb M.; SUBHEDAR, NISHIKANT K.; Dept. of Biology
Nov-2008Transient up-regulation of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide (CART) immunoreactivity following ethanol withdrawal in rat hypothalamusDandekar, Manoj P.; Singru, Praful S.; Kokare, Dadasaheb M.; SUBHEDAR, NISHIKANT K.; Dept. of Biology
Dec-2008Association of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript and neuropeptide Y in the forebrain and pituitary of the catfish, Clarias batrachus: A double immunofluorescent labeling studySingru, Praful S.; Mazumdar, M.; Barsagade, Vikas G.; Lecha. R.M.; Thim, L.; Clausen, Jes Thorn; SUBHEDAR, NISHIKANT K.; Dept. of Biology
Jan-2009GABAA receptors in nucleus accumbens shell mediate the hyperphagia and weight gain following haloperidol treatment in ratsMeena, H.; Nakhate, Kartik T.; Kokare, Dadasaheb M.; SUBHEDAR, NISHIKANT K.; Dept. of Biology
Jan-2009Multiscale Modeling of Electrical and Intracellular Activity in the Pancreas: The Islet Tridomain EquationsGOEL, PRANAY; Sherman, Arthur; Friedman, Avner; Dept. of Biology
Mar-2009Refinement of defection strategies stabilizes cooperationDAHANUKAR, NEELESH; WATVE, MILIND; Dept. of Biology
Apr-2009Neuropeptide Y modulates the antidepressant activity of imipramine in olfactory bulbectomized rats: Involvement of NPY Y1 receptorsGoyal, S.N.; Upadhya, Manoj A.; Kokare, Dadasaheb M.; Bhisikar, S.M.; SUBHEDAR, NISHIKANT K.; Dept. of Biology
May-2009Neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the olfactory system, forebrain, pituitary and retina of the adult teleost Clarias batrachusGaikwad, A.; Biju, K.C.; Barsagade, Vikas G.; Bhute, Y.; SUBHEDAR, NISHIKANT K.; Dept. of Biology
May-2009Involvement of neuropeptide Y Y1 receptors in the acute, chronic and withdrawal effects of nicotine on feeding and body weight in ratsNakhate, Kartik T.; Dandekar, Manoj P.; Kokare, Dadasaheb M.; SUBHEDAR, NISHIKANT K.; Dept. of Biology
Jul-2009Group Selection and Reciprocity among KinDAHANUKAR, NEELESH; WATVE, MILIND; Dept. of Biology
Aug-2009Involvement of neuropeptide Y in the acute, chronic and withdrawal responses of morphine in nociception in neuropathic rats: Behavioral and neuroanatomical correlatesUpadhya, Manoj A.; Dandekar, Manoj P.; Kokare, Dadasaheb M.; Singru, Praful S.; SUBHEDAR, NISHIKANT K.; Dept. of Biology
Aug-2009A possible tradeoff between developmental rate and pathogen resistance in Drosophila melanogasterModak, Shampa Ghosh; Satish, K. M.; Mohan, J.; DEY, SUTIRTH; Raghavendra, N.; Shakarad, Mallikarjun; Joshi, Amitabh; Dept. of Biology
Nov-2009Tolerance to ethanol sedation and withdrawal hyper-excitability is mediated via neuropeptide Y Y1 and Y5 receptorsBhisikar, Snehal M.; Kokare, Dadasaheb M.; Nakhate, Kartik T.; Chopde, Chandrabhan T.; SUBHEDAR, NISHIKANT K.; Dept. of Biology
Dec-2009Participation of corticotropin-releasing factor type 2 receptors in the acute, chronic and withdrawal actions of nicotine associated with feeding behavior in ratsKamdi, S. P.; Nakhate, Kartik T.; Dandekar, Manoj P.; Kokare, Dadasaheb M.; SUBHEDAR, NISHIKANT K.; Dept. of Biology
Dec-2009The co-optimization of floral display and nectar rewardPrajakta, B.; Balasubramaniam, S.; WATVE, MILIND; Dept. of Biology
Dec-2009The Geometry of Bursting in the Dual Oscillator Model of Pancreatic $\beta$-cellsGOEL, PRANAY; Sherman, A.; Dept. of Biology