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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2015Re–Os age for the Lower–Middle Pennsylvanian Boundary and comparison with associated palynofloraGeboy, N. J.; TRIPATHY, GYANA RANJAN; Ruppert, L. F.; Eble, C. F.; Blake, B. M.; Hannah, J. L.; Stein, Holly J.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Apr-2015Upper-mantle anisotropy beneath the south Indian Shield: Influenced by ancient and recent Earth processesKumar, V. Pavan; Prakasam, K.S.; RAI, SHYAM S.; Gupta, Sandeep; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
May-2015Sediment thickness beneath the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Siwalik Himalaya inferred from receiver function modellingBorah, Kajaljyoti; Kanna, Nagaraju; RAI, SHYAM S.; Prakasam, K.S.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
May-2015The crustal structure of the western Himalayas and TibetGilligan, Amy; Priestley, Keith F.; Roecker, Steven W.; Levin, Vadim; RAI, SHYAM S.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Jun-2015Drying of Indian subcontinent by rapid Indian Ocean warming and a weakening land-sea thermal gradientRoxy, Mathew Koll; Ritika, Kapoor; Terray, Pascal; Murtugudde, Raghu; Ashok, Karumuri; GOSWAMI, B. N.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Jun-2015The impact of the Western Ghats on lightning activity on the western coast of IndiaKamra, A. K.; NAIR, A. A.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Aug-2015Seismotectonics and crustal stress field in the Kumaon–Garhwal HimalayaMahesh, P.; Gupta, Sandeep; Saikia, Utpal; RAI, SHYAM S.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Oct-2015Re–Os depositional age for black shales from the Kaimur Group, Upper Vindhyan, IndiaTRIPATHY, GYANA RANJAN; Singha, Sunil Kumar; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Oct-2015New Insights into Polychaete Traces and Fecal Pellets: Another Complex Ichnotaxon?Kulkarni, Kantimati G.; PANCHANG, RAJANI; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Oct-2015Unraveling the missing link of ENSO control over the Indian monsoon rainfallDwivedi, Suneet; GOSWAMI, B. N.; Kucharski, Fred; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Oct-2015Influence of extratropical sea-surface temperature on the Indian summer monsoon: an unexplored source of seasonal predictabilityChattopadhyay, Rajib; Phani, R.; Sabeerali, C. T.; Dhakate, A. R.; Salunke, K. D.; Mahapatra, S.; Rao, A. Suryachandra; GOSWAMI, B. N.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Nov-2015The deep geology of South India inferred from Moho depth and Vp/Vs ratioDAS, RITIMA; SAIKIA, UTPAL; RAI, SHYAM S.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Nov-2015Simulation of the Indian Summer Monsoon in the Superparameterized Climate Forecast System Version 2: Preliminary ResultsGoswami, Bidyut B.; Krishna, R. P. M.; Mukhopadhyay, P.; Khairoutdinov, Marat; GOSWAMI, B. N.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Dec-2015Radiometric dating of marine-influenced coal using ReOs geochronologyTRIPATHY, GYANA RANJAN; Judith L., Hannah; Holly J., Stein; Nicholas J., Geboy; Leslie F., Ruppert; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Jan-2016Seismic interferometry and ambient noise tomography: theoretical background and application in south IndiaDAS, RITIMA; RAI, SHYAM S.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Mar-2016Temperature reconstruction from glacier length fluctuations in the HimalayaBANERJEE, ARGHA; Azam, Mohd Farooq; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Mar-2016Moho offsets beneath the Western Ghat and the contact of Archean crusts of Dharwar Craton, IndiaSAIKIA, UTPAL; RAI, SHYAM S.; Meena, Rishikesh; Prasad, B.N.V.; Borah, Kajaljyoti; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Mar-2016Shrinkage of Satopanth and Bhagirath Kharak Glaciers, India, from 1936 to 2013Nainwal, Harish Chandra; BANERJEE, ARGHA; Shankar, R.; Semwal, Prabhat; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Mar-2016Extratropical anticyclonic Rossby wave breaking and Indian summer monsoon failureSamanta, Dhrubajyoti; Dash, M. K.; GOSWAMI, B. N.; Pandey, P. C.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
May-2016Analysis and evaluation of Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) forecast data for Indian summer monsoonDeshpande, Medha; Mukhopadhyay, P.; Masutani, Michiko; Ma, Zaizhong; Riishojgaard, Lars Peter; Hardesty, Michael; Emmitt, Dave; Krishnamurti, T. N.; GOSWAMI, B. N.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science