Browsing by Subject Genetics

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Aug- 27Prof L S Shashidhara takes over as new director of TIFR-NCBS
May-2011Loyal or promiscuous: A search for female mate preference in Drosophila melanogasterNongthomba, Upendra; KUMAR, SUSHEEL; Dept. of Biology; 20061029
May-2018Species identification for small mammals of Western Himalayas using genetics and morphometricsRamakrishnan, Uma; JOSHI, MUKTA; Dept. of Biology; 20131115
Jan-2020Introducing "Future of Biochemistry 2020: The Asia-Pacific Issue"Schepartz, Alanna; KAMAT, SIDDHESH S. et al.; Dept. of Biology
Aug-2020Understanding Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Using the Drosophila Tripartite Synapse.RATNAPARKHI, GIRISH S.; TENDULKAR, SHWETA; Dept. of Biology; 20143317
Oct-2020Structure–Activity Relationship of Polyester-Based Cationic Polyrotaxane Vector-Mediated In Vitro siRNA Delivery: Effect on Gene Silencing EfficiencyGhodke, Sharwari B.; Parkar, Junaid N.; Deshpande, Aparna R.; Dandekar, Prajakta P.; Jain, Ratnesh D.; Dept. of Physics
Dec-2020Evolutionary divergence of novel open reading frames in cichlids speciationPUNTAMBEKAR, SHRADDHA; Newhouse, Rachel; Navas, Jaime San Miguel; Chauhan, Ruchi; Vernaz, Gregoire; Willis, Thomas; Wayland, Matthew T.; Umrania, Yagnesh; Miska, Eric A.; PRABAKARAN, SUDHAKARAN; Dept. of Biology
Mar-2022Molecular Mechanism of Dual Intercalation in Sac7d-DNA ComplexationSINGH, REMAN KUMAR; MUKHERJEE, ARNAB; Dept. of Chemistry
May-2022Role of DDK Kinase Hsk1-Dfp1 in cohesin loading at centromeres in Schizosaccharomyces pombeNAMBIAR, MRIDULA; DAS E S, VIMAL; Dept. of Biology; 20171091
Aug-2022Environment-Sensitive Nucleoside Probe Unravels the Complex Structural Dynamics of i-Motif DNAsKHATIK, SADDAM Y.; SRIVATSAN, SEERGAZHI G.; Dept. of Chemistry
Aug-2022Synthesis of Phosphorodiamidate Morpholino Oligonucleotides Using Trityl and Fmoc Chemistry in an Automated Oligo SynthesizerKundu, Jayanta; Ghosh, Atanu; Ghosh, Ujjwal; Das, Arnab; NAGAR, DHRITI; Pattanayak, Sankha; GHOSE, AURNAB; Sinha, Surajit; Dept. of Biology
Dec-2022Role of Defects in the Transport Properties and Photoresponse of a Silicon–MoS2 Mixed-Dimensional Van der Waals HeterostructureNARAYANAN, P. VRINDA; ANILKUMAR, GOKUL M.; RAJPUT, MANISHA; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Dept. of Physics
Mar-2023Adaptive laboratory evolution of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria for genetic and phenotypic analysesVINCHHI, RHEA; JENA, CHINMAYA; MATANGE, NISHAD; Dept. of Biology
May-2023Nanoparticle Self-Assembly: From Design Principles to Complex Matter to Functional MaterialsRAO, ANISH; ROY, SUMIT; JAIN, VANSHIKA; PILLAI, PRAMOD P.; Dept. of Chemistry
Jul-2023Microscopic Mechanism of Macromolecular Crowder-Assisted DNA Capture and Translocation through Biological NanoporesPUNIA, BHAWAKSHI; CHAUDHURY, SRABANTI; Dept. of Chemistry
Sep-2023How Heterogeneity Affects Cooperative Communications within Single NanocatalystsPUNIA, BHAWAKSHI; CHAUDHURY, SRABANTI; Kolomeisky, Anatoly; Dept. of Chemistry
Mar-2024Age-dependent VAP(P58S) aggregation in a Drosophila model of Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisRATNAPARKHI, GIRISH; APARNA, THULASIDHARAN; Dept. of Biology; 20152002
Mar-2024Proteomic Analysis of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Outer Membrane for Potential Implications in Uptake of Small MoleculesPalande, Aseem; Patil, Saniya; Veeram, Anjali; SAHOO, SOUMYA SWASTIK; Lodhiya, Tejan; Maurya, Pankaj; Muralikrishnan, Balaji; CHUGH, JEETENDER; Mukherjee, Raju; Dept. of Chemistry
Mar-2024Synthesis and Enzymatic Incorporation of a Dual-App Nucleotide Probe That Reports Antibiotics-Induced Conformational Change in the Bacterial Ribosomal Decoding Site RNAKHATIK, SADDAM Y.; ROY, SARUPA; SRIVATSAN, SEERGAZHI G.; Dept. of Chemistry
Apr-2024A Prebiotic Genetic Nucleotide as an Early Darwinian Ancestor for Pre-RNA EvolutionSAWANT, ANUPAM A.; TRIPATHI, SNEHA; GALANDE, SANJEEV; RAJAMANI, SUDHA; Dept. of Biology