Browsing by Subject Genomic instability
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Oct-2020 | Dichotomous Impact of Myc on rRNA Gene Activation and Silencing in B Cell Lymphomagenesis | JOSHI, GAURAV; Eberhardt, Alexander Otto; Lange, Lisa; Winkler, René; Hoffmann, Steve; Kosan, Christian; Bierhoff, Holger; Dept. of Biology |
Jan-2022 | G-quadruplexes in the mitochondrial genome – a cause for instability | SARKAR, SNEHA; NAMBIAR, MRIDULA; Dept. of Biology |
Aug-2022 | Effect of DNA damage on microtubule dynamics | LAHIRI, MAYURIKA; VENKATARAVI, AISHWARYA; Dept. of Biology; 20152001 |