Browsing by Subject Thermotolerance

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2016Characterization of variation in thermotolerance of tropical trees from seasonally dry regions of the northern Western GhatsBARUA, DEEPAK; SASTRY, ANIRUDDH; Dept. of Biology; 20083023
Apr-2017Variation in thermotolerance in woody plants from a seasonally dry tropical forestBARUA, DEEPAK; MOHAN, KAVYA; Dept. of Biology; 20121063
Sep-2017Leaf thermotolerance in tropical trees from a seasonally dry climate varies along the slow-fast resource acquisition spectrumSASTRY, ANIRUDDH; BARUA, DEEPAK; Dept. of Biology
Feb-2018Leaf thermotolerance in dry tropical forest tree species: relationships with leaf traits and effects of droughtSASTRY, ANIRUDDH; GUHA, ANIRBAN; BARUA, DEEPAK; Dept. of Biology
Jun-2020The upper temperature limits of leaf function in tropical trees from a wet tropical forestBARUA, DEEPAK; Sankaran, Mahesh; PREMUGH, VIKHYATH; Dept. of Biology; 20151044
Jun-2020Variation in temperature tolerance in grasses and palMS and their relationship with leaf functional traits
BARUA, DEEPAK; LAGACHU, HIMANSHU; Dept. of Biology; 20151114
Oct-2021Effect of different heat stress durations on the thermotolerance of tropical tree species and its relation with temperature response of carbon uptakeBARUA, DEEPAK; BANDARU, PEDDIRAJU; Dept. of Biology; 20151098
Feb-2025Leaf Temperatures in an Indian Tropical Forest Exceed Physiological Limits but Durations of Exposures Are Currently Not Sufficient to Cause Lasting DamageJAVAD, AKHIL; PREMUGH, VIKHYATH; Tiwari, Rakesh; BANDARU, PEDDIRAJU; SUNNY, RON; Hegde, Balachandra; Clerici, Santiago; Galbraith, David; Gloor, Manuel; BARUA, DEEPAK; Dept. of Biology