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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Sep- 6Admission to 5 year integrated master of science programme
4-Jul- 14Turn off the spotlight please, I'm just a scientist
13-Oct- 16SS Bhagwat appointed director of IISER Pune
4-Jul- 18More work on experimental particles needed
14-Jun- 19TISS and IISER Pune to develop programme to meet NEP-aligned science education goals
2-Nov- 19Extending a helping hand to less fortune kids: Students of IISER solely manage 'Disha' which teaches underprivileged children
3-Jul- 20IISER to host science challenge competition
30-Jan- 22Brain storming
1-Nov- 23IISER scientist receives international honour
31-Aug- 24Admission to BS-MS dual degree programme
2-Feb- 25A bridge across forever
14-Apr- 26Stanford University Rankings 2022: Nearly 50 experts from Pune among world’s top 2% scientists listMascarenhas, Anuradha
27-Dec- 26IISER institute to operate from NCL's Innovation Park, permanent campus in 15 months: From august 16, IIT of science to begin classes
27-Dec- 27IISERs to begin academic sessions on august 16: Chandigarh being considered for 3rd institute
31-Jan- 29IISER graduates to get formal degrees: NIT amended act declares all 5 institutions including the one in Pune as autonomous
29-Jan- 30IISER sans hostel for three years: But plans afoot to build a full-fledged campus
31-Oct- 30Science olympiad madhil gunvantancha satkar
5-Aug- 31Experts call for review of research institutes by international panels
29-Dec- 31IISER Prof led team bags 7th place in chemistry olympaid
1-Jun- 32Universe came into being before the big bang