Browsing by ???browse.type.metadata.advisor??? ASSISI, COLLINS

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2016Behavioral Correlates of Theta and Delta oscillations in the Hippocampal FormationASSISI, COLLINS; K N, VISHNU; Dept. of Biology; 20111010
Mar-2017Cellular and Network MechanisMS of Grid Cell Firing PatternsASSISI, COLLINS; SRIVATHSA, SAHANA; Dept. of Biology; 20121024
Apr-2017The Effect of Circuit Structure on Odour Representation in the Antennal Lobe - Mushroom Body CircuitASSISI, COLLINS; RAJAGOPALAN, ADITHYA E; Dept. of Biology; 20121018
Apr-2018Network mechanisMS that represent novelty and familiarity in the medial Entorhinal Cortex (mEC)ASSISI, COLLINS; KRISHNAN, BHARATH; Dept. of Biology; 20131116
Apr-2019Dynamics of Pulse-Coupled Inhibitory NetworksASSISI, COLLINS; CHOWDHARY, SANDEEP; Dept. of Biology; 20141027
Jun-2019Theta guided sequences in the medial entorhinal cortexASSISI, COLLINS; NERU, ARUN; Dept. of Biology; 20133243
Oct-2019Dynamics of inhibitory networks in the olfactory bulbASSISI, COLLINS; GARG, SHIVIK; Dept. of Biology; 20133247
Jun-2020Building a continuous attractor model of dMEC grid cells using conductance-based neuronsASSISI, COLLINS; NAIR, AKSHAY; Dept. of Biology; 20151122
May-2022Timetabling by Coloring and Clustering by Neuronal NetworksASSISI, COLLINS; NITURKAR, PRANAV; Interdisciplinary; 20192026
May-2022A Neural Network based Community Detection AlgorithmASSISI, COLLINS; MUKHERJEE, SANAK; Dept. of Biology; 20161116
May-2022Excitatory and Inhibitory balance in Recurrent NetworksASSISI, COLLINS; S, PAVITHIRAH; Dept. of Biology; 20171080
May-2022Attentional Scanning in Macaque Area V4Fries, Pascal; ASSISI, COLLINS; PATEL, SHIVANGI; Dept. of Biology; 20171213