Browsing by Author ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2010Modeling the Spatial Pattern Forming Modules in Mitotic Spindle AssemblyATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dubitzky, Werner; Southgate, Jennifer; Fuß, Hendrik; Dept. of Biology
Nov-2011Population length variability and nucleoid numbers in Escherichia coliATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Hemangi Chaudhari; Dept. of Biology
Dec-2012Spatial and Temporal Sensing Limits of Microtubule Polarization in Neuronal Growth Cones by Intracellular Gradients and ForcesMahajan, Saurabh; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology
Mar-2013Book Review: Physics of the Human Body. Richard P. McCallATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology
Jan-2014Collective behavior of minus-ended motors in mitotic microtubule asters gliding toward DNAATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dinarina, Ana; Nedelec, Francois; Karsenti, Eric; Dept. of Biology
Nov-2014Thermodynamic and kinetic characterization of transmembrane helix associationPawar, Aiswarya B.; Deshpande, Sneha A.; Gopal, Srinivasa M.; Wassenaar, Tsjerk A.; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Sengupta, Durba; Dept. of Biology
Jan-2016What can simulations tell us about GPCRs: Integrating the scalesSengupta, Durba; Joshi, Manali; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Chattopadhyay, Amitabha; Shukla, Arun K.; Dept. of Biology
Oct-2016A Motor-Gradient and Clustering Model of the Centripetal Motility of MTOCs in Meiosis I of Mouse OocytesKHETAN, NEHA; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology
Dec-2016Automated Multi-Peak Tracking Kymography (AMTraK): A Tool to Quantify Sub-Cellular Dynamics with Sub-Pixel AccuracyCHAPHALKAR, ANUSHREE R.; JAIN, KUNALIKA; GANGAN, MANASI S.; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology
Feb-2017Threshold effect of growth rate on population variability of Escherichia coli cell lengthsGANGAN, MANASI S.; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology
May-2017Role of spatial inhomogenity in GPCR dimerisation predicted by receptor association-diffusion modelsDeshpande, Sneha A.; Pawar, Aiswarya B.; Dighe, Anish; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Sengupta, Durba; Dept. of Biology
Jan-2019Collective effects of yeast cytoplasmic dynein based microtubule transportJAIN, KUNALIKA; KHETAN, NEHA; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology
Feb-2019Open Source 3D-printed focussing mechanism for cellphone-based cellular microscopyJAWALE, Y.K.; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology; Dept. of Physics
Mar-2019Mechanics of Hydra Detachment from Subrates: The Role of Substrate Rigidity and StarvationKHETAN, NEHA; MAHESHWARI, SHAGUN; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology
Jan-2020Modeling the tunability of the dual-feedback genetic oscillatorJOSHI, YASH J.; JAWALE, YASH K.; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology
Apr-2020Flocking, Swirling and Spinning Stars in a CellKHETAN, NEHA; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Matthäus, Franziska; Matthäus, Sebastian; Harris, Sarah; Dept. of Biology
Oct-2020Aster swarming by symmetry breaking of cortical dynein transport and coupling kinesinsKHETAN, NEHA; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology
Jan-2021Number Dependence of Microtubule Collective Transport by Kinesin and DyneinJAIN, KUNALIKA; YADAV, SHIVANI A.; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology
Feb-2021Quantifying Intracellular Particle Flows by DIC Object TrackingCHAPHALKAR, ANUSHREE R.; JAWALE, YASH K.; KHATRI, DHRUV; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology
Jun-2021Collective Dynein Transport of the Nucleus by Pulling on Astral MTs during Saccharomyces cerevisiae MitosisJAIN, KUNALIKA; KHETAN, NEHA; YADAV, SHIVANI A.; Palani, Saravanan; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; Dept. of Biology