Browsing by Author BISWAS, KORAK

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2020Unraveling the Role of Excess Ligand in Nanoparticle Pattern Formation from an Evaporatively Dewetting Nanofluid DropletBhattacharjee, Kaustav; BISWAS, KORAK; Prasad, Bhagavatula L. V.; Dept. of Physics
Sep-2022Interplay between quantum diffusion and localization in the atom-optics kicked rotorMAURYA, S. SAGAR; PATEL, KUSHAL; DUTTA, PRANAB; BISWAS, KORAK; MANGAONKAR, JAY; SANTHANAM, M. S.; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; Dept. of Physics
Oct-2022A Decade of Advancement of Quantum Sensing and Metrology in India Using Cold Atoms and IonsDUTTA, PRANAB; MAURYA, S. SAGAR; PATEL, KUSHAL; BISWAS, KORAK; Mangaonkar, Jay; Sarkar, Sumit; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; Dept. of Physics
Jul-2023Machine-learning-based automated loading of strontium isotopes into magneto-optical trapBISWAS, KORAK; PATEL, KUSHAL; MAURYA, S. SAGAR; DUTTA, PRANAB; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; Dept. of Physics
Jan-2024Comparative analysis of phase noise for different configurations of Bragg lattice for an atomic gravimeter with Bose-Einstein condensateDUTTA, PRANAB; MAURYA, S. SAGAR; BISWAS, KORAK; PATEL, KUSHAL; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; Dept. of Physics
May-2024Spectroscopy of the 5s5p 3P0 → 5s5d 3D1 transition of strontium using laser cooled atomsPATEL, KUSHAL; Gakkhar, Palki; BISWAS, KORAK; MAURYA, S. SAGAR; DUTTA, PRANAB; LAL, VISHAL; Mani, B. K.; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; Dept. of Physics
Dec-2024Asymmetric dynamical localization and precision measurement of the micromotion of a Bose-Einstein condensateMAURYA, S. SAGAR; KANNAN, J. BHARATHI; PATEL,KUSHAL; DUTTA, PRANAB; BISWAS, KORAK; SANTHANAM, M. S.; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; Dept. of Physics
Feb-2025Experiments on enhancement of inter-stage transfer efficiency in laser cooling of strontium atomsRAPOL, UMAKANT; BISWAS, KORAK; Dept. of Physics; 20163487