Browsing by Author PATEL, KUSHAL
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
May-2019 | A simple atomic beam oven with a metal thermal break | VISHWAKARMA, CHETAN; MANGAONKAR, JAY; PATEL, KUSHAL; VERMA, GUNJAN; SARKAR, SUMIT; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; Dept. of Physics |
Sep-2022 | Interplay between quantum diffusion and localization in the atom-optics kicked rotor | MAURYA, S. SAGAR; PATEL, KUSHAL; DUTTA, PRANAB; BISWAS, KORAK; MANGAONKAR, JAY; SANTHANAM, M. S.; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; Dept. of Physics |
Oct-2022 | A Decade of Advancement of Quantum Sensing and Metrology in India Using Cold Atoms and Ions | DUTTA, PRANAB; MAURYA, S. SAGAR; PATEL, KUSHAL; BISWAS, KORAK; Mangaonkar, Jay; Sarkar, Sumit; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; Dept. of Physics |
Jul-2023 | Machine-learning-based automated loading of strontium isotopes into magneto-optical trap | BISWAS, KORAK; PATEL, KUSHAL; MAURYA, S. SAGAR; DUTTA, PRANAB; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; Dept. of Physics |
Jan-2024 | Comparative analysis of phase noise for different configurations of Bragg lattice for an atomic gravimeter with Bose-Einstein condensate | DUTTA, PRANAB; MAURYA, S. SAGAR; BISWAS, KORAK; PATEL, KUSHAL; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; Dept. of Physics |
May-2024 | Spectroscopy of the 5s5p 3P0 → 5s5d 3D1 transition of strontium using laser cooled atoms | PATEL, KUSHAL; Gakkhar, Palki; BISWAS, KORAK; MAURYA, S. SAGAR; DUTTA, PRANAB; LAL, VISHAL; Mani, B. K.; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; Dept. of Physics |
Mar-2025 | Magneto-Optical Trapping of Strontium Atoms for Optical Atomic Clock | RAPOL, UMAKANT; PATEL, KUSHAL; Dept. of Physics; 20172034 |