Browsing by Author RAHMAN, ATIKUR

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2016Wettability of partially suspended grapheneOndarcuhu, Thierry; Thomas, Vincent; Nunez, Marc; Dujardin, Erik; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Black, Charles T.; Checco, Antonio; Dept. of Physics
Sep-2016Slip Length Enhancement in Nanofluidic Flow using Nanotextured Superhydrophobic SurfacesHeverhagen, Jonas; Tasinkevych, Mykola; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Black, Charles T.; Checco, Antonio; Dept. of Physics
Dec-2016Non-native three-dimensional block copolymer morphologiesRAHMAN, ATIKUR; Majewski, Pawel W.; Doerk, Gregory; Black, Charles T.; Yager, Kevin G.; Dept. of Physics
Oct-2017Self-assembled nanotextures impart broadband transparency to glass windows and solar cell encapsulantsLiapis, Andreas C.; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Black, Charles T.; Dept. of Physics
Dec-2017Gas Transport Selectivity of Ultrathin, Nanoporous, Inorganic Membranes Made from Block Copolymer TemplatesGreil, Stefanie; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Liu, Mingzhao; Black, Charles T.; Dept. of Chemistry
Jan-2018Locally Favored Two-Dimensional Structures of Block Copolymer Melts on Nonneutral SurfacesSen, Mani; Jiang, Naisheng; Endoh, Maya K.; Koga, Tadanori; Ribbe,Alexander; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Kawaguchi, Daisuke; Tanaka, Keiji; Smilgies, Detlef-M.; Dept. of Chemistry
Oct-2018Anomalous effect of UV light on the humidity dependence of photocurrent in perovskite solar cellsKumar, Ankit; Mishra, Amrit K.; BANSODE, UMESH; OGALE, SATISHCHANDRA; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Dept. of Physics
Jan-2019Ballistics of self-jumping microdropletsLecointre, Pierre; Mouterde, Timothée; Checco, Antonio; Black, Charles T.; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Clanet, Christophe; Quére, David; Dept. of Physics
May-2019Low-temperature processing of optimally polymer-wrapped alpha-CsPbI3 for self-powered flexible photo-detector applicationBANSODE, UMESH; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; OGALE, SATISHCHANDRA; Dept. of Physics
Dec-2019How to 'train' your CVD to grow large-area 2D materialsNARAYANAN, VRINDA; M A , GOKUL; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Dept. of Physics
Sep-2020Understanding the thermal degradation mechanism of perovskite solar cells via dielectric and noise measurementsKUMAR, ANKIT; BANSODE, UMESH; OGALE, SATISHCHANDRA; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Dept. of Physics
Oct-2020Modulating flow near substrate surface to grow clean and large-area monolayer MoS2GOKUL, M. A.; NARAYANAN, VRINDA; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Dept. of Physics
Jun-2021Directional Emission from WS2 Monolayer Coupled to Plasmonic Nanowire‐on‐Mirror CavityCHAUBEY, SHAILENDRA K.; GOKUL M. A.; PAUL, DIPTABRATA; TIWARI, SUNNY; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; KUMAR, G. V. PAVAN ; Dept. of Physics
Oct-2021Modulation of trion and exciton formation in monolayer WS2 by dielectric and substrate engineeringCHOWDHURY, TAMAGHNA; PAUL, DIPTABRATA; NECHIYIL, DIVYA; GOKUL, M. A.; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; KUMAR, G. V. PAVAN; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Dept. of Physics
Jan-2022Silver Oxide-Decorated Silica Nanoparticles for Visible-Light-Driven Photolytic Pollutant Degradation and Water-Oil SeparationRAHMAN, AYESHA; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Dept. of Physics
Feb-2022Phase evolution of all-inorganic perovskite nanowires during its growth from quantum dotsGOKUL, M. A.; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Dept. of Physics
Mar-2022Giant Photoresponse Enhancement in Mixed-Dimensional Van der Waals Heterostructure through Dielectric EngineeringNARAYANAN, VRINDA P.; GOKUL, M. A.; CHOWDHURY, TAMAGHNA; SINGH, CHANDAN K.; CHAUBEY, SHAILENDRA KUMAR; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; KABIR, MUKUL; KUMAR, G. V. PAVAN; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Dept. of Physics
Apr-2022Directing monolayer tungsten disulfide photoluminescence using a bent-plasmonic nanowire on a mirror cavityCHAUBEY, SHAILENDRA K.; TIWARI, SUNNY; SHUKLA, ASHUTOSH; GOKUL, M. A.; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; KUMAR, G. V. PAVAN; Dept. of Physics
May-2022Stacking Engineered Room Temperature Ferroelectricity in Twisted Germanium Sulfide NanowiresCHOWDHURY, TAMAGHNA; TANEJA, CHETNA; Vasdev, Aastha; GHOSH, PRASENJIT; Sheet, Goutam; KUMAR, G. V. PAVAN; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; Dept. of Physics
Jun-2022Mirror-coupled microsphere can narrow the angular distribution of photoluminescence from WS2 monolayersCHAUBEY, SHAILENDRA K.; TIWARI, SUNNY; GOKUL, M. A.; PAUL, DIPTABRATA; RAHMAN, ATIKUR; KUMAR, G. V. PAVAN; Dept. of Physics