Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1714
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
May-2024 | A Framework for Assessed Cognitive Abilities in Entrance Examinations | NAGARJUNA, G; SIVARAM, MANAV; Interdisciplinary; 20191142 |
May-2024 | Synthesis, characterization, and nitrite reductase activity of Ni(II) complexes | SIL, DEBANGSU; PANJA, ARIJIT; Dept. of Chemistry; 20226214 |
May-2024 | Entanglement Phase Transition of Interacting Bosons under Random Measurements | Banerjee, Sumilan; VELVANKAR, SAKSHI; Dept. of Physics; 20191213 |
May-2024 | Small molecule- Protein Interaction by Binding Site Similarity | MADHUSUDHAN, M.S.; PATNAIK, HARSHITA RANI; Dept. of Biology; 20191143 |
May-2024 | Electrochemical Ammonia Production Using Pyrolyzed Cobalt Phthalocyanine | MUSTHAFA OTTAKAM, MUHAMMED; A P, ABHISHEK; Dept. of Chemistry; 20226203 |
May-2024 | Synthesis of Peptides with C-terminal Z-γ-Lactam via E →Z isomerization | GOPI, HOSAHUDYA N.; S, KEERTHIVASON; Dept. of Chemistry; 20226204 |
May-2024 | Evolutionary Stability of Genetically Induced Trimethoprim Hypersensitivity in Escherichia coli | MATANGE, NISHAD; BALACHANDRAN, MANASVI; Dept. of Biology; 20212003 |
May-2024 | Iodine-Induced Enhancement in Electrical Conductivity of Electrodeposited Thin Film of Copper-Carboxylate MOF | BALLAV, NIRMALYA; MAHATTAM, ANIRUDDHA; Dept. of Chemistry; 20226209 |
May-2024 | Design and Developement of Biodegradable Zwitterionic Polymers for Drug Delivery in Cancer | JAYAKANNAN, MANICKAM; LUTHRA, SANCHI; Dept. of Chemistry; 20226206 |
May-2024 | Electrochemically Promoted Regioselective C3─H Trifluoromethylation of 2H-Indazoles. | BHAT, RAMAKRISHNA G.; SAHU, AJIT KUMAR; Dept. of Chemistry; 20226205 |
May-2024 | Inducing Graphs, Hypergraphs, and Tournaments | Kwan, Matthew; Noel, Jonathan; RANGANATHAN, ARJUN; Dept. of Mathematics; 20181043 |
May-2024 | Enhancement of relevant information through bottom up bias is facilitated by tyrosine hydroxylase in the glomeruli layer. | Yu, C Ron; KUMAR, VIKAS; Dept. of Biology; 20191192 |
May-2024 | Development of Continuous Spatiotemporal Flood Masks using Deep Learning and Remote Sensing | Singh, Manmeet; DAIVAJNA, VINAY; Dept. of Data Science; 20171043 |
May-2024 | Stabilization and Characterization of Bi(III) Compounds with peri-substituted Acenaphthene Based Ligands | MAJUMDAR, MOUMITA; KUNDU, ANKAN; Dept. of Chemistry; 20226208 |
May-2024 | Bis-NHC-based Manganese(I) complex catalyzed amide and CO2 hydroboration | KHAN, SHABANA; TIWARI, PRABHAKAR; Dept. of Chemistry; 20226215 |
May-2024 | Viscoelasticity of the folded domain of a single protein at varying frequencies | Rico, Felix; VISHAL, VISHAL; Dept. of Physics; 20191211 |
May-2024 | An Excursion in Chern Groups | SPALLONE, STEVEN; DATTA, SUTIRTHA; Dept. of Mathematics; 20226606 |
May-2024 | Characterization of aerobic Gram-negative gut microflora of mother baby pairs in normal and caesarean section deliveries. | Viswanathan, Rajlakshmi; KUMAR, SHIKHAR; Dept. of Biology; 20181211 |
May-2024 | Comparative Phylogeography of select scolopendrids from Western Ghats | Joshi, Jahnavi; DHANUSH, S S; Dept. of Biology; 20191048 |
May-2024 | Explicit Computation of 4-point Correlators in Chern-Simons Matter Theory and Verification of Bosonisation Dualities | JAIN, SACHIN; SOW, UMESH; Dept. of Physics; 20191110 |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1714