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Title: Quantum energy exchange and refrigeration: a full-counting statistics approach
Authors: Friedman, Hava Meira
Segal, Dvira
Dept. of Physics
Keywords: Heat Exchange
Quantum Thermodynamics
Additive And Non-Additive Couplings
Issue Date: Aug-2018
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: New Journal of Physics. Vol. 20
Abstract: We formulate a full-counting statistics description to study energy exchange in multi-terminal junctions. Our approach applies to quantum systems that are coupled either additively or non-additively (cooperatively) to multiple reservoirs. We derive a Markovian Redfield-type equation for the counting-field dependent reduced density operator. Under the secular approximation, we confirm that the cumulant generating function satisfies the heat exchange fluctuation theorem. Our treatment thus respects the second law of thermodynamics. We exemplify our formalism on a multi-terminal two-level quantum system, and apply it to realize the smallest quantum absorption refrigerator, operating through engineered reservoirs, and achievable only through a cooperative bath interaction model.
ISSN: 1367-2630
Appears in Collections:JOURNAL ARTICLES

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