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Title: Peeping in on the cytoskeleton: light microscopy approaches to actin and microtubule organization.
Authors: Sahasrabudhe, Abhishek
Vittal, Vijay
Dept. of Biology
Keywords: Actin
Light microscopy
Time-lapse imaging
Issue Date: Dec-2013
Publisher: Indian Academy of Sciences
Citation: Current science, 105(11),1562-1570.
Abstract: The actin and microtubule cytoskeletons consist of adynamic network of polymer filaments that enable avariety of fundamental cellular processes, includingcell shape, cell motility, chromosome separation andcytokinesis, synaptic plasticity, organelle distributionand intracellular transportand trafficking. Regionalorganization and remodelling of these filaments formthe basis of their diverse critical functions and ourability to visualize these events with high spatiotemporal resolution is a powerful approach to uncoverthe cellular logic of cytoskeleton function. In recentyears, a range of light microscopy techniques alongwith novel labelling and analytical tools has becomeavailable which allows unprecedented access to thecytoskeletal organization and dynamics. This articlesummarizes accessible technology platforms andstrategies that allow one to peep into the inner life ofthese polymer systems.
ISSN: Nov-91
Appears in Collections:JOURNAL ARTICLES

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