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Title: TSpred: a web server for the rational design of temperature-sensitive mutants
Authors: Tan, Kuan Pern
Khare, Shruti
Varadarajan, Raghavan
Dept. of Biology
Keywords: Tspred
Sensitive mutants
Gene products
Hydrophobic moment
Issue Date: Apr-2014
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Citation: Nucleic Acids Research, 42(W), W277-W284.
Abstract: Temperature sensitive (Ts) mutants of proteins provide experimentalists with a powerful and reversible way of conditionally expressing genes. The technique has been widely used in determining the role of gene and gene products in several cellular processes. Traditionally, Ts mutants are generated by random mutagenesis and then selected though laborious large-scale screening. Our web server, TSpred (, now enables users to rationally design Ts mutants for their proteins of interest. TSpred uses hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment, deduced from primary sequence and residue depth, inferred from 3D structures to predict/identify buried hydrophobic residues. Mutating these residues leads to the creation of Ts mutants. Our method has been experimentally validated in 36 positions in six different proteins. It is an attractive proposition for Ts mutant engineering as it proposes a small number of mutations and with high precision. The accompanying web server is simple and intuitive to use and can handle proteins and protein complexes of different sizes.
ISSN: 0305-1048
Appears in Collections:JOURNAL ARTICLES

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