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dc.contributor.advisorKAIPA, KRISHNAen_US
dc.contributor.authorGAIKWAD, AJINKYA RAMDASen_US
dc.description.abstractTransmission of information through a unreliable communication channel introduces noise in the data. The process of introducing redundancy in this data in order to recover it later is called an error correcting code. Error correcting codes are frequently used for reliable storage in CD’s, DVD’s, SSD’s and in many other cases. A good code must have high error correcting capacity and efficiency which are measured by relative minimum distance and rate of transmission respectively, however these two requirements are mutually conflicting. The trade-off between these quantities is studied through the question of finding the largest size of the code for minimum distance at least d. In general, it is hard to calculate the exact value of this quantity. Therefore, it is important to have good upper and lower bounds for the same. This question become more tractable by defining the asymptotic rate function. It is the asymptotic version of the above quantity which captures the trade-off between these quantities. This in turn raises more mathematical questions about the properties of asymptotic rate function like convexity and differentiability. The distance enumerator polynomial determines the distance distribution of a code. Binomial moments provide an alternate way to deal with the distance enumerator polynomial which helps in finding bounds on the size of the code. The most intuitive upper bound on the size of the code is sphere packing bound or Hamming bound. The codes attaining this bound are called perfect codes. The problem of existence of perfect codes is a very interesting problem which is still unresolved for case of double error correcting perfect codes. In this thesis, we attempt the above problem by generalizing the differential equation derived by Lloyd in [5] for binary case to find necessary conditions on the existence of perfect codes. We will also present a different proof of the non-linear Mac-Williams identities using binomial moments. The bounds on the size of the code are discussed in Chapter 1 and later we have used them to derive bounds and properties of the asymptotic rate function. We study the recent improvement in Elias bound on the asymptotic rate function due to K. Kaipa. In Chapter 4, We discuss about the open problem of ∪−convexity property of the asymptotic rate function.en_US
dc.subjectPerfect codesen_US
dc.subjectBinomial momentsen_US
dc.subjectAsymptotic rate functionen_US
dc.subjectLloyd's theoremen_US
dc.subjectMac-WilliaMS identitiesen_US
dc.titleThe Asymptotic information rate function in coding theoryen_US
dc.contributor.departmentDept. of Mathematicsen_US
Appears in Collections:MS THESES

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