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Title: Fractional quantum Hall states of bosons on cones
Authors: Wu, Ying-Hai
Tu, Hong-Hao
Dept. of Physics
Keywords: Fractional quantum
Hall states
Bosons on cones
Analytical predictions
Issue Date: Sep-2017
Publisher: American Physical Society
Citation: Physical Review A, 96(3), 033622.
Abstract: Motivated by a recent experiment, which synthesizes Landau levels for photons on cones [Schine et al., Nature (London) 534, 671 (2016)], and more generally the interest in understanding gravitational responses of quantum Hall states, we study fractional quantum Hall states of bosons on cones. A variety of trial wave functions for conical systems are constructed and compared with exact diagonalization results. The tip of a cone is a localized geometrical defect with singular curvature, which can modify the density profiles of quantum Hall states. The density profiles on cones can be used to extract some universal information about quantum Hall states. The values of certain quantities are computed numerically using the density profiles of some quantum Hall states and they agree with analytical predictions.
ISSN: 2469-9926
Appears in Collections:JOURNAL ARTICLES

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