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Title: A Study of Causal Sets
Dept. of Physics
Keywords: Causal set theory
Partially ordered sets
Quantum gravity
Monte-Carlo methods
Issue Date: Apr-2020
Abstract: In this thesis we study some aspects of causal set theory. In Chapter 1 we briefly motivate this theory, outline some important results and describe some of the work that has been in done this field so far. In Chapter 2 we outline the various definitions and terminologies that will be used throughout the thesis. In Chapter 3 we study the Poisson sprinkling method to generate causal sets and study various properties of such causets, primarily the volume- diameter scaling to estimate the causal set dimension. In Chapter 4 we try to generate causets in the form of a layered, directed graph and try to find their causal set dimension. In Chapter 5 we will use the tilted square lattice as the basic framework of our causal set, and study how rewirings and percolation affect its various properties. In Chapter 6 we summarise our results and outline how we can build upon this work.
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