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Title: Forearc high uplift by lower crustal flow during growth of the Cyprus-Anatolian margin
Authors: Fernandez-Blanco, David
Bertotti, Giovanni
Willett, Sean D.
Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Keywords: Outer-arc high
Accretionary wedge
Orogenic plateau
Plateau margin
Central anatolian plateau
Issue Date: Aug-2020
Publisher: Elsevier B.V.
Citation: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 544.
Abstract: We present a model for the dynamic formation of the forearc high of southern Anatolia where sedimentation in the forearc basin leads to thermally-activated deformation in the lower crust. Our thermo-mechanical models demonstrate that forearc sedimentation increases the temperature of the underlying crust by “blanketing” the heat flux and increasing Moho depth. Deformation switches from frictional to viscous with a higher strain rate led by increased temperature. Viscous deformation changes large-wavelength subsidence into coeval, short-wavelength uplift and subsidence. Models show that forearc highs are intrinsic to accretionary wedges and can grow dynamically and non-linearly at rates dependent on sediment accretion, sedimentation and temperature. The mechanism explains the uplift of the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau and the Neogene vertical motions and upper-plate strain in the Anatolian margin along Central Cyprus. This system is analogous to forearc highs in other mature accretionary margins, like Cascadia, Lesser Antilles or Makran.
ISSN: 0012-821X
Appears in Collections:JOURNAL ARTICLES

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