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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 637
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2025Synthetic Approaches and Biological Functions of N-sulfated Heparan Sulfate Oligosaccharides and Proteoglycan MimeticsKIKKERI, RAGHAVENDRA; RAIGAWALI, RAKESH; Dept. of Chemistry; 20183593
Mar-2025Exploring Statistical Isotropy Violations in the CMB sky: Real-Space AnalysisSOURADEEP, TARUN; DIPANSHU, DIPANSHU; Dept. of Physics; 20193697
Mar-2025Designing Organic A-site Cations for Emerging Optoelectronic Properties of Hybrid Halide Perovskites: Reversible Melting, Non-Centrosymmetry, and ChiralityNAR, ANGSHUMAN; KUMAR RAJPUT, PARIKSHIT; Dept. of Chemistry; 20193682
Mar-2025Cuspidal Cohomology for GL(N) over Number FieldsBHAGWAT, CHANDRASHEEL; A, RAGHURAM; NASIT, DARSHAN PRAFULBHAI; Dept. of Mathematics; 20193690
Mar-2025Inverse Galois Problem & Root ClustersBHAGWAT, CHANDRASHEEL; JAISWAL, SHUBHAM; Dept. of Mathematics; 20182006
Mar-2025Magneto-Optical Trapping of Strontium Atoms for Optical Atomic ClockRAPOL, UMAKANT; PATEL, KUSHAL; Dept. of Physics; 20172034
Mar-2025Synthesis, Characterization and Redox Properties of “Hyper S-Confused Porphyrinoids” and “Porphyrinoids with Thiophenes and Phenanthroline”ANAND, V. G.; MISHRA, VISHNU; Dept. of Chemistry; 20183572
Mar-2025Integrating Mechanical, Cell Geometric and Biochemical Inputs for Self-Organised Morphogenesis in Plant RegenerationPRASAD, KALIKA; MATHEW, MABEL MARIA; Dept. of Biology; 20193711
Feb-2025Near-Infrared Emission in Low-Dimensional Halide Perovskite Derivatives: Cs2MX6 (M: Mo/W/Sn; X: Cl/Br) and (C8H12N)2PbBr4 with DopingNAG, ANGSHUMAN; MONDAL, BARNALI; Dept. of Chemistry; 20193681
Feb-2025[Au]/[Ag]-Catalyzed Synthesis of Biologically Important Bacterial OligosaccharidesHOTHA, SRINIVAS; DAS, PRATIM KUMAR; Dept. of Chemistry; 20172019
Feb-2025Emission Tunability, Triplet State Harvesting, and Photon Up-conversion Properties in Selected Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Cu(I)-Based FrameworksHAZRA, PARTHA; CHATTERJEE, JOY; Dept. of Chemistry; 20162016
Feb-2025Experiments on enhancement of inter-stage transfer efficiency in laser cooling of strontium atomsRAPOL, UMAKANT; BISWAS, KORAK; Dept. of Physics; 20163487
Feb-2025Insights into DNA-protein interactions and functional clustering by studying motif distributions in the genomeMADHUSUDHAN, M. S.; CHAKRABORTY, ATREYI; Dept. of Biology; 20193639
Feb-2025Development of Novel Advanced Functional Porous Materials for Heterogeneous Catalysis and Arsenic Remediation for Safe Drinking WaterGHOSH, SUJIT K.; DAM, GOURAB KUMAR; Dept. of Chemistry; 20193634
Feb-2025Non-equilibrium assembly and phase behavior of colloidal particles in active liquidsCHIKKADI, VIJAYAKUMAR; KUSHWAHA, PRAGYA; Dept. of Physics; 20183623
Feb-2025On the influence of gut bacteria on host biology: insights from ecological and evolutionary studies on Drosophila melanogasterDEY, SUTIRTH; MALWADE, AKSHAY; Dept. of Biology; 20183582
Feb-2025Synthesis and Optoelectronic properties of ultrathin Bi2O2Se NanosheetsRAHMAN, ATIKUR; LAKHCHAURA, SURAJ; Dept. of Physics; 20193631
Feb-2025Investigating correlated charge, lattice and spin degrees of freedom in layered perovskite ruthenatesNAIR, SUNIL; CHAKRAVARTY, SHRUTI; Dept. of Physics; 20152041
Feb-2025Multi-protein chimeric antigens, a novel combined approach for efficiently targeting and blocking the blood stage of Plasmodium falciparumKARMODIYA, KRISHANPAL; DESHMUKH, BHAGYASHREE; Dept. of Biology; 20172012
Jan-2025Role of Polarity and BAR domain proteins in plasma membrane re-modelling in syncytial Drosophila embryosRIKHY, RICHA; MITRA, DEBASMITA; Dept. of Biology; 20172009
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 637