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Title: Volume-area scaling for debris-covered glaciers
Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Keywords: Debris-covered glaciers
Mountain glaciers
Volume scaling methods
Issue Date: Oct-2020
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Citation: Journal of Glaciology, 66(259), 880-886.
Abstract: A volume-area scaling relation is commonly used to estimate glacier volume or its future changes on a global scale. The presence of an insulating supraglacial debris cover alters the mass-balance profile of a glacier, potentially modifying the scaling relation. Here, the nature of scaling relations for extensively debris-covered glaciers is investigated. Theoretical arguments suggest that the volume-area scaling exponent for these glaciers is ~7% smaller than that for clean glaciers. This is consistent with the results from flowline-model simulations of idealised glaciers, and the available data from the Himalaya. The best-fit scale factor for debris-covered Himalayan glaciers is ~60% larger compared to that for the clean ones, implying a significantly larger stored ice volume in a debris-covered glacier compared to a clean one having the same area. These results may help improve scaling-based estimates of glacier volume and future glacier changes in regions where debris-covered glaciers are abundant.
ISSN: 0022-1430
Appears in Collections:JOURNAL ARTICLES

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