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Title: Viable cosmological solutions in massive bimetric gravity
Authors: Koennig, Frank
Amendola, Luca
Dept. of Physics
Keywords: Modified gravity
Cosmology of theories beyond the SM
Dark energy theory
Issue Date: Mar-2014
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014.
Abstract: We find the general conditions for viable cosmological solution at the background level in bigravity models. Furthermore, we constrain the parameters by comparing to the Union 2.1 supernovae catalog and identify, in some cases analytically, the best fit parameter or the degeneracy curve among pairs of parameters. We point out that a bimetric model with a single free parameter predicts a simple relation between the equation of state and the density parameter, fits well the supernovae data and is a valid and testable alternative to ΛCDM. Additionally, we identify the conditions for a phantom behavior and show that viable bimetric cosmologies cannot cross the phantom divide.
ISSN: 1475-7516
Appears in Collections:JOURNAL ARTICLES

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