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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 61
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2009AGN Feedback in Galaxy Groups: A Joint GMRT/X‐ray StudyGiacintucci, S.; Vrtilek, J. M.; O’Sullivan, E.; Raychaudhury, S.; David, L. P.; Venturi, T.; ATHREYA, RAMANA; Gitti, M.; Dept. of Physics
19-May-2022Response of Arctic Methane hydrate to the rise in bottom water temperature and relative sea-level over past 11000 yearsTRIVEDI, AKASH; SARKAR, SUDIPTA; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Mar-2021Controlled Generation of Self-images of a Microlens Array and the Second Harmonic Talbot EffectHARSHITH, B. S.; Samanta, G.K.; Dept. of Physics
Jun-2021A Simple Algorithm for Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT) without Matrix InversionPaul, Ria; K, Murali; CHETIA, SUMANA; Varma, Hari M.; Dept. of Physics
Sep-2019Photoionization of Acetylene Doped in Helium Nanodroplets by EUV Synchrotron RadiationMANDAL, SUDDHASATTWA; Gopal, Ram; Krishnan, S. R.; Richter, Robert; Coreno, Marcello; Mudrich, Marcel; Srinivas, Hemkumar; D’Elia, Alessandro; BAPAT, BHAS; Sharma, Vandana; Dept. of Physics
Sep-2019Intriguing Single Photon Induced Processes in Helium NanodropletsKrishnan, S.R.; MANDAL, SUDDHASATTWA; BAPAT, BHAS; Gopal, Ram; D’Elia, Alessandro; Srinivas, Hemkumar; Richter, Robert; Coreno, Marcello; Mudrich, Marcel; Sharma, Vandana; Dept. of Physics
Jul-2019Ab initio study of Y3AlZ (Z = B, C, N, O)Ghule, A. S.; Ghule, S. S.; Garde, C. S.; Pandey, B.; Ramakrishnan, S.; SINGH, SURJEET; Rajarajan, A. K.; Dept. of Physics
Feb-2019CMS CollaborationCMS Collaboration; CHAUHAN, S.; DUBE, SOURABH; HEGDE, V.; KAPOOR, A.; KOTHEKAR, K.; PANDEY, S.; RANE, A.; SHARMA, SEEMA et al.; Dept. of Physics
Apr-2018On the effect of isovalent Bi substitution at the Eu site in the pyrochlore Eu2Ir2O7TELANG, PRACHI; MISHRA, KSHITI; SINGH, SURJEET; Dept. of Physics
Apr-2018Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Gd-doped Mn-Ni-Sn alloysGHOSH, ARUP; NAIR, SUNIL; Dept. of Physics
Jul-2018Novel polyelectrolyte membranes for fuel and flow batteries: Insights from simulationsSengupta, Soumyadipta; Kritikos, Giorgos; Karatasos, Konstantinos; VENKATNATHAN, ARUN; PANT, RAKESH; Komarov, Pavel; Lyulin, Alexey V.; Dept. of Chemistry
May-2018Searching for SUSY with Multijets and Missing Transverse MomentumRANE, ADITEE; Dept. of Physics
Aug-2018Diffusion of cosmic rays in heliosphere, observations from GRAPES-3Arunbabu, K. P.; SUBRAMANIAN, PRASAD et al.; Dept. of Physics
Aug-2018Long-term correction of GRAPES-3 muon telescope efficiencyMohanty, P.K.; SUBRAMANIAN, PRASAD et al.; Dept. of Physics
Mar-2012Gray Image Extraction Using Fuzzy LogicMONDAL, KOUSHIK; Dutta, Paramartha; Bhattercharyya, Siddhartha; Dept. of Physics
Jan-2014Entanglement distillation using various quantum channelsVerma, Akash; Pandey, Abhinav; NANDAN, SANKET; Panigrahi, P. K.; Dept. of Physics
May-2016Analysis and evaluation of Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) forecast data for Indian summer monsoonDeshpande, Medha; Mukhopadhyay, P.; Masutani, Michiko; Ma, Zaizhong; Riishojgaard, Lars Peter; Hardesty, Michael; Emmitt, Dave; Krishnamurti, T. N.; GOSWAMI, B. N.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Sep-2014Field emission properties of vertically grown Carbon Nanotubes, Nanoflakes and mechanically exfoliated Highly Oriented Pyrolitic Graphite: A comparisonDHARMADHIKARI, CHANDRAKANT V.; Kolekar, S. K.; Kaushik, Vishakha; Vankar, V. D.; Patole, S. P.; Yoo, J. B.; Dept. of Physics
Jul-2016Multi-directional measurements of high energy particles from the Sun-Earth L1 point with STEPSGoyal, S. K.; BAPAT, BHAS et al.; Dept. of Physics
Jan-2017Digital watermarking: An approach based on Hilbert transformAgarwal, Rashmi; SANTHANAM, M. S.; Srinivas, K.; Dept. of Physics
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 61