JOURNAL ARTICLES : [5692] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 5692
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2024ACSL4-mediated H3K9 and H3K27 hyperacetylation upregulates SNAIL to drive TNBC metastasisSinha, Abhipsa; CHANDRAMOULI, AAKASH; KAMAT, SIDDHESH S. et al.; Dept. of Biology
Mar-20255-Fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine as an efficient 19F NMR reporter for G-quadruplex and i-motif structuresROUT, BHAKTI P.; ROY, SARUPA; SRIVATSAN, SEERGAZHI G.; Dept. of Chemistry
Dec-2024Social clues in risky pools: Perceived conspecific rivals modify individual mosquito oviposition decisions in response to larval predation and competitionRAMESH, ASHWINI; |Sharma, Manvi; Isvaran, Kavita; Dept. of Biology
Dec-2024Reactivity Study of the Bis(phosphine)-Stabilized Antimony(I) CationMUKHERJEE, NILANJANA; KUMAR, VIKAS; Yildiz, Cem B.; MAJUMDAR, MOUMITA; Dept. of Chemistry
Dec-2024Generalized complex structure on certain principal torus bundlesPAL, DEBJIT; PODDAR, MAINAK; Dept. of Mathematics
Dec-2024Unidirectional Competitive Redox enabled Unsegmented Natural Sea-water Splitting for Green Hydrogen ProductionPRADHAN, HEMANGA; MONDAL, RITWIK; NAYAK, BHOJKUMAR; THIMMAPPA, RAVIKUMAR; MENDHE, RAHUL MAHADEO; THOTIYL, MUSTHAFA OTTAKAM  ; Dept. of Chemistry
Dec-2024Call for Papers: Infectious Diseases Research in the Global South: Treatments and Treatment FailuresCorona, Angela; Ganesan, Sandhya; MATANGE, NISHAD; Wicht, Kathryn; Dept. of Biology
Dec-2024Effect of a single water molecule on the conformational preferences of a capped Pro-Gly dipeptide in the gas phaseMANDAL, SOURAV; Kossov, Arsene; Carcabal, Pierre; DAS, ALOKE; Dept. of Chemistry
Oct-2024Synthesis and Optical Properties of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid [(18-Crown-6)K][MoOCl4(H2O)]GHOSH, ANIMESH; SAIKIA, SAJID; Molokeev, Maxim S.; NAG, ANGSHUMAN; Dept. of Chemistry
Dec-2024Splitting of the Girvin-MacDonald-Platzman Density Wave and the Nature of Chiral Gravitons in the Fractional Quantum Hall EffectBalram, Ajit C.; SREEJITH, G. J.; Jain, J. K.  ; Dept. of Physics
Feb-2025Inhibiting de novo lipogenesis identifies a therapeutic vulnerability in therapy-resistant colorectal cancerJog, Eeshrita; CHAKRABORTY, ARNAB; CHANDRAMOULI, AAKASH; KAMAT, SIDDHESH S. et al.  ; Dept. of Biology
Dec-2024Highly Sensitive Naphthalene-Based Twisted Intramolecular Charge Transfer Molecules for the Detection of In Vitro and In Cellulo Protein AggregatesDebnath, Joy; Sekar, Yuvasree; BERA, ANWESHA; Dept. of Chemistry
Nov-2024Pressure-induced iso-structural phase transitions in pyrochloreiridates A2Ir2O7 (A = Pr, Gd, Dy and Er)Rosalin, M.; Kisku, Sebabrata; TELANG, PRACHI; SINGH, SURJEET; Muthu, D. V. S.; Sood, A. K.; Dept. of Physics
Dec-2024Spin–Phonon Relaxation Dynamics from a Conical Intersection of Trapped Rydberg IonsCHAUDHARY, MANISH; NATH, REJISH; Li, Weibin; Dept. of Physics
Nov-2024Density engineering via intercondensate dipole-dipole interactionsNAYAK, PRANAY; GHOSH, RATHEEJIT; NATH, REJISH; Dept. of Physics
May-2024Inclusive and differential cross section measurements of t(t)over-barb (b)over-bar production in the lepton plus jets channel at √s=13 TeVCMS Collaboration; Hayrapetyan, A.; ALPANA, A.; DUBE, SOURABH; KANSAL, B.; LAHA, A.; RASTOGI, A.; SHARMA, SEEMA et al.; Dept. of Physics
Nov-2024The 32nd National Congress of Parasitology, Pune: bringing together India’s parasitologistsPURKAYASTHA, DEVATRISHA; PANDIT, KUSHANKUR; Upadrasta, Sindhuri|Khilari, Ajinkya; Shanmugam, Dhanasekaran; KARMODIYA, KRISHANPAL; Dept. of Biology
Nov-2024Shola: a 3D porous hydrophobic–oleophilic lignocellulosic material for efficient oil/water separationMondal, Keya; Advani, Kushagra; Ghosh, Snigdh; Shanmugnathan, Kadhiravan; Kulsi, Gouta; SIVARAM, SWAMINATHAN; Gupta, Sayam Sen; Dept. of Chemistry
Nov-2024Selecting relevant structural features for glassy dynamics by information imbalanceSHARMA, ANAND; Liu, Chen; Ozawa, Misaki; Dept. of Chemistry
Oct-2024N-Heterocyclic Silylene-Cu(I) Complexes as Efficient Catalysts for Three-Component Coupling ReactionsKASHISH; HOSSAIN, MD JABED; KHAN, SHABANA; Dept. of Chemistry
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 5692