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Title: Hyperchaos in a Bose-Hubbard Chain with Rydberg-Dressed Interactions
Authors: McCormack, Gary
Li, Weibin
Dept. of Physics
Keywords: Hyperchaos
Bose–Einstein condensation
Rydberg dressing
Lyapunov exponents
Dynamical stability
Issue Date: Dec-2021
Publisher: MDPI
Citation: Photonics, 8(12), 554
Abstract: We study the chaos and hyperchaos of Rydberg-dressed Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) in a one-dimensional optical lattice. Due to the long-range, soft-core interaction between the dressed atoms, the dynamics of the BECs are described by the extended Bose-Hubbard model. In the mean-field regime, we analyze the dynamical stability of the BEC by focusing on the ground state and localized state configurations. Lyapunov exponents of the two configurations are calculated by varying the soft-core interaction strength, potential bias, and length of the lattice. Both configurations can have multiple positive Lyapunov exponents, exhibiting hyperchaotic dynamics. We show the dependence of the number of the positive Lyapunov exponents and the largest Lyapunov exponent on the length of the optical lattice. The largest Lyapunov exponent is directly proportional to areas of phase space encompassed by the associated Poincaré sections. We demonstrate that linear and hysteresis quenches of the lattice potential and the dressed interaction lead to distinct dynamics due to the chaos and hyperchaos. Our work is relevant to current research on chaos as well as collective and emergent nonlinear dynamics of BECs with long-range interactions.
ISSN: 2304-6732
Appears in Collections:JOURNAL ARTICLES

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