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Title: Multipolar Fermi-surface deformation in a Rydberg-dressed Fermi gas with long-range anisotropic interactions
Authors: Zhou, Yijia
Wu, Haibin
Lesanovsky, Igor
Li, Weibin
Dept. of Physics
Keywords: Cold atoms & matter waves
Cooper pairs
Fermi surface
Light-matter interaction
Long-range interactions
Quantum simulation
Atomic ensemble
Fermi gases
Rydberg atoms & molecules
BCS theory
Issue Date: Dec-2021
Publisher: American Physical Society
Citation: Physical Review A, 104(6), L061302.
Abstract: We study theoretically the deformation of the Fermi surface (FS) of a three-dimensional gas of Rydberg-dressed 6 Li atoms. The laser dressing to high-lying Rydberg D states results in angle-dependent soft-core-shaped interactions whose anisotropy is described by multiple spherical harmonics. We show that this can drastically modify the shape of the FS and that its deformation depends on the interplay between the Fermi momentum kF and the reciprocal momentum ¯k corresponding to the characteristic soft-core radius of the dressing-induced potential. When kF<¯k, the dressed interaction stretches a spherical FS into an ellipsoid. When kF≳¯k, complex deformations are encountered which exhibit multipolar characteristics. We analyze the formation of Cooper pairs around the deformed FS and show that they occupy large orbital angular momentum states ( p, f, and h wave) coherently. Our study demonstrates that Rydberg dressing to high angular momentum states may pave a route toward the investigation of unconventional Fermi gases and multiwave superconductivity.
ISSN: 2469-9934
Appears in Collections:JOURNAL ARTICLES

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