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Title: Determining sets for holomorphic functions on the symmetrized bidisk
Authors: Das, Bata Krishna
Kumar, Poornendu
Dept. of Mathematics
Keywords: Rational inner functions
Symmetrized bidisk
distinguished varieties
Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation
Uniqueness varieties
Determining sets
Extension problem
Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
Issue Date: Sep-2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Citation: Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 66(03).
Abstract: A subset D of a domain omega c C-d is determining for an analytic function f : omega-+ D if whenever an analytic function g : omega-+ D coincides with f on D, equals to f on whole omega. This note finds several sufficient conditions for a subset of the symmetrized bidisk to be determining. For any N >_ 1, a set consisting of N-2 -N + 1 many points is constructed which is determining for any rational inner function with a degree constraint. We also investigate when the intersection of the symmetrized bidisk intersected with some special algebraic varieties can be determining for rational inner functions
ISSN: 0008-4395
Appears in Collections:JOURNAL ARTICLES

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