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Title: Q -balls in the sky
Dept. of Physics
Keywords: Physics
Issue Date: Jan-2024
Publisher: American Physical Society
Citation: Physical Review D, 109(02), 023003.
Abstract: There may exist extended configurations in the dark matter sector that are analogs of structures in the visible sector. In this work, we explore nontopological solitonic configurations, specifically Q -balls, and study when they may form macroscopic astrophysical structures and what their distinct characteristics might be. We study in some detail theoretical bounds on their sizes and constraints on the underlying parameters, based on criteria for an astrophysical Q -ball’s existence, gravitational stability and viability of solutions. Following this path, one is able to obtain novel limits on astrophysical Q -ball sizes and their underlying parameters. We also explore the gravitational lensing features of different astrophysical Q -ball profiles, which are more general than the simple thin-wall limit. It is seen that the magnification characteristics may be very distinct, depending on the actual details of the solution, even for astrophysical Q -balls having the same size and mass. Assuming that such astrophysical Q -balls may form a small component of the dark matter in the Universe, we place limits on this fraction from the gravitational microlensing surveys EROS-2, OGLE-IV, HSC-Subaru and the proposed future survey WFIRST. Exploring various astrophysical Q -ball profiles and sizes, it is found that while for most intermediate masses that we consider, the dark matter fraction comprising astrophysical Q -balls is at most subpercent, for other masses it may be significantly higher.
ISSN: 2470-0029
Appears in Collections:JOURNAL ARTICLES

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