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Title: Study of physics algorithMS to setup an efficient trigger for the selection of boosted top quark production where the top decays semi-leptonically, in the CMS experiment
Authors: Banerjee, Sudeshna
Dept. of Physics
Keywords: 2018
Physics algorithMS
Quark production
CMS experiment
Issue Date: May-2018
Abstract: The study of jets of radius 0.8, reconstructed from anti-kt jet clustering algorithm for the semi-leptonic decay of tt¯. The performance of the parameters of reconstructed jets which are coming from the similar to the data of the CMS has been presented here. The results are based on tt¯ and QCD/Multijets simulated events Monte Carlo (MC) data samples, these data samples have been generated at the different luminosities of the proton-proton collisions at LHC. The LHC machine, as well as the detector for the various experiments, will be upgraded in the next few years, with his upgrade machine luminosity of proton-proton collision will be five times greater than the present. This creates very much complex environment because the number of particles after the collision will increase, this will make the study of desired processes harder also due to the higher center of mass energy of the collision, many of the particles (e.g., top quark) will be highly boosted. Therefore, the study of shapes top quark jet (using NJettiness variables) will play an important role in identifying the top quark jet and its substructure.
Appears in Collections:MS THESES

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