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Results 1451-1460 of 8903 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2018Sex differences in dispersal syndrome are modulated by environment and evolutionMishra, Abhishek; TUNG, SUDIPTA; Shreenidhi, P. M.; Sadiq, Mohammed Aamir; Sruti, V. R. Shree; Chakraborty, Partha Pratim; DEY, SUTIRTH; Dept. of Biology
Dec-2021Random telegraphic noise and 1/f noise from CNT emitters in Tuning fork-based scanning tunneling microscopyKolekar, Sadhu; DHARMADHIKARI, CHANDRAKANT V.; Dept. of Physics
Jul-2018Coupled magnetic and ferroelectric states in the distorted honeycomb system Fe4Ta2O9PANJA, SOUMENDRA NATH; HARNAGEA, LUMINITA; KUMAR, JITENDER; Mukharjee, I. P. K.; Nath, R.; Nigam, A. K.; NAIR, SUNIL; Dept. of Physics
Oct-2018Finite temperature Schwinger pair production in coexistent electric and magnetic fieldsKORWAR, MRUNAL; THALAPILLIL, ARUN M.; Dept. of Physics
Mar-2016Structural features and molecular aggregations of designed triple-stranded β-sheets in single crystalsBANDYOPADHYAY, ANUPAM; Misra, Rajkumar; GOPI, HOSAHUDYA N.; Dept. of Chemistry
Oct-2018Assessing the validity of the thermodynamic uncertainty relation in quantum systemsAGARWALLA, BIJAY KUMAR; Segal, Dvira; Dept. of Physics
Sep-2018Ultrafast exciton many-body interactions and hot-phonon bottleneck in colloidal cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystalsMondal, Anirban; Aneesh, J.; Ravi, Vikash Kumar; Sharma, Rituraj; MIR, WASIM J.; Beard, Mathew C.; NAG, ANGSHUMAN; Adarsh, K. V.; Dept. of Physics
Sep-2008Divergent Nanostructures from Identical Ingredients: Unique Amphiphilic Micelle Template for Polyaniline Nanofibers, Tubes, Rods, and SpheresAnilkumar, P.; JEGANMOHAN, MASILAMANI; Dept. of Chemistry
May-2018Measurement of Prompt D-0 Meson Azimuthal Anisotropy in Pb-Pb Collisions at root S-NN=5.02 TeVCMS Collaboration; Sirunyan, A. M.; CHAUHAN, S.; DUBE, SOURABH; HEGDE, V; KAPOOR, A.; KOTHEKAR, K.; PANDEY, S.; RANE, A.; SHARMA, SEEMA et al.; Dept. of Physics
Jun-2018Dilute stuffing in the pyrochlore iridate Eu2 Ir2 O7TELANG, PRACHI; Mishra, Kshiti; Sood, A. K.; SINGH, SURJEET; Dept. of Physics