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Results 2311-2320 of 8903 (Search time: 0.043 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2015Disorder, oscillatory dynamics and state switching: the role of c-MycRANGARAJAN, NIVEDITA; Fox, Zach; Singh, Abhyudai; Kulkarni, Prakash; Rangarajan, Govindan; Dept. of Biology
Jul-2019Designing a new family of oxonium-cation based structurally diverse organic-inorganic hybrid iodoantimonate crystalsPARMAR, SWATI; PAL, SHIV; BISWAS, ABHIJIT; Gosavi, Suresh; Chakraborty, Sudip; REDDY, MALLU CHENNA; OGALE, SATISHCHANDRA; Dept. of Physics
Mar-2016Temperature reconstruction from glacier length fluctuations in the HimalayaBANERJEE, ARGHA; Azam, Mohd Farooq; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
May-2009Anticipatory synchronization with variable time delay and resetAMBIKA, G.; Amritkar, R.E.; Dept. of Physics
Nov-2015Core-shell polymer nanoparticles for prevention of GSH drug detoxification and cisplatin delivery to breast cancer cellsSURNAR, BAPURAO; SHARMA, KAVITA; JAYAKANNAN, MANICKAM; Dept. of Chemistry
Oct-2018Postsynthesis Doping of Mn and Yb into CsPbX3 (X = CI, Br, or I) Perovskite Nanocrystals for Downconversion EmissionMIR, WASIM J.; MAHOR, YOGESH; Lohar, Amruta; JAGADEESWARARAO, METIKOTI; Das, Shyamashis; Mahamuni, Shailaja; NAG, ANGSHUMAN; Dept. of Chemistry
Jul-2016Monsoons to Mixing in the Bay of Bengal: Multiscale Air-Sea Interactions and Monsoon PredictabilityGOSWAMI, B. N.; Rao, Suryachandra A.; Sengupta, Debasis; CHAKRAVORTY, SOUMI; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Nov-2015Trimodal Control of Ion-Transport Activity on Cyclo-oligo-(1 -> 6)-beta-D-glucosamine-Based Artificial Ion-Transport SystemsROY, ARUNDHATI; SAHA, TANMOY; Gening, Marina L.; Titov, Denis V.; Gerbst, Alexey G.; Tsvetkov, Yury E.; Nifantiev, Nikolay E.; TALUKDAR, PINAKI; Dept. of Chemistry
Jun-2019Monitoring site-specific conformational changes in real-time reveals a misfolding mechanism of the prion proteinSengupta, Ishita; UDGAONKAR, JAYANT B.; Dept. of Biology
Nov-2018Search for supersymmetry in events with a τ lepton pair and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeVCMS Collaboration; Sirunyan, A. M.; CHAUHAN, S.; DUBE, SOURABH; HEGDE, V.; KAPOOR, A.; KOTHEKAR, K.; PANDEY, S.; RANE, A.; SHARMA, SEEMA et al.; Dept. of Physics