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Results 3571-3580 of 8903 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2013Probing carbohydrate–carbohydrate interactions by photoswitchable supramolecular glycoclustersBAVIREDDI, HARIKRISHNA; Bharate, Priya; KIKKERI, RAGHAVENDRA; Dept. of Chemistry
Jun-2015Drying of Indian subcontinent by rapid Indian Ocean warming and a weakening land-sea thermal gradientRoxy, Mathew Koll; Ritika, Kapoor; Terray, Pascal; Murtugudde, Raghu; Ashok, Karumuri; GOSWAMI, B. N.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Sep-2018Drosophila DNA/RNA methyltransferase contributes to robust host defense in ageing animals by regulating sphingolipid metabolismVarada, Abhyankar; KADUSKAR, BHAGYASHREE; KAMAT, SIDDHESH S.; Deobagkar, Deepti; RATNAPARKHI, GIRISH S.; Dept. of Biology
Jan-2019Effect of impurities on the long-distance and Zhang-Rice dimers in the quantum magnet Sr14Cu24O41BAG, RABINDRANATH; KARMAKAR, KOUSHIK; Dhar, Sudesh; Tripathi, Malvika; Choudhary, R J.; SINGH, SURJEET; Dept. of Physics
Jan-2016Search for the production of an excited bottom quark decaying to tW in proton-proton collisions at s√=8 TeVCMS Collaboration; Khachatryan, V.; CHAUHAN, S.; DUBE, SOURABH; SHARMA, SEEMA et al.; Dept. of Physics
Jul-2019Perspective on the Interfacial Reduction ReactionRANA, SHAMMI; SINDHU, POOJA; BALLAV, NIRMALYA; Dept. of Chemistry
Jun-2015The impact of the Western Ghats on lightning activity on the western coast of IndiaKamra, A. K.; NAIR, A. A.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Dec-2018Probing multi-spinon excitations outside of the two-spinon continuum in the antiferromagnetic spin chain cuprate Sr2CuO3SINGH, S.; Schlappa, J. et al.; Dept. of Physics
Mar-2016Measurement of the tt¯ production cross section in the all-jets final state in pp collisions at √s=8 TeVCMS Collaboration; Khachatryan, V.; SHARMA, SEEMA et al.; Dept. of Physics
May-2014Blood flow dynamics on a rotating microfluidic platformChakraborty, Suman; DASH, MONIKA; Interdisciplinary; 20091009