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Results 3921-3930 of 8847 (Search time: 0.023 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2019Stochastic Evolution in Models of Statistical PhysicsDHAR, DEEPAK; KUMAR, AANJANEYA; Dept. of Physics; 20141034
2021Nonzero-sum risk-sensitive stochastic differential games with discounted costsGhosh, Mrinal K.; Kumar, K. Suresh; Pal, Chandan; PRADHAN, SOMNATH; Dept. of Mathematics
Apr-2016Galilean Yang-Mills theoryBAGCHI, ARJUN; Basu, Rudranil; KAKKAR, ASHISH; MEHRA, ADITYA; Dept. of Physics
May-2020First person – Bipasha DeyDEY, BIPASHA; Dept. of Biology
Sep-2016A computational study on structure, stability and bonding in Noble Gas bound metal Nitrates, Sulfates and Carbonates (Metal = Cu, Ag, Au)Ghara, Manas; Pan, Sudip; Deb, Jyotirmoy; KUMAR, ANAND; Sarkar, Utpal; Chattaraj, Pratim K.; Dept. of Chemistry
Sep-2016Structure, stability, and nature of bonding in carbon monoxide bound urn:x-wiley:01928651:media:jcc24446:jcc24446-math-0001 complexes (E = group 14 element; X = H, F, Cl, Br, I)Ghara, Manas; Pan, Sudip; KUMAR, ANAND; Merino, Gabriel; Chattaraj, Pratim K.; Dept. of Chemistry
Jul-2020Denial of food to the hungry rat: A novel paradigm for induction and evaluation of anger-like emotionAwathale, Sanjay N.; Dudhbhate, Biru B.; Rahangdale, Rakesh R.; Borkar, Chandrashekhar D.; SUBHEDAR, NISHIKANT K.; Kokare, Dadasaheb M.; Dept. of Biology
Nov-2018Hierarchical nanostructures of nitrogen-doped molybdenum sulphide for supercapacitorsKANADE, CHAITANYA; Arbuj, Sudhir et al.; Dept. of Chemistry
Jul-2016A noble interaction: An assessment of noble gas binding ability of metal oxides (metal = Cu, Ag, Au)Pan, Sudip; Saha, Ranajit; KUMAR, ANAND; Gupta, Ashutosh; Merino, Gabriel; Chattaraj, Pratim K.; Dept. of Chemistry
Mar-2018Comparing transverse momentum balance of b jet pairs in pp and PbPb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeVCMS Collaboration; Sirunyan, A. M.; CHAUHAN, S.; DUBE, SOURABH; HEGDE, V.; KAPOOR, A.; KOTHEKAR, K.; PANDEY, S.; RANE, A.; SHARMA, SEEMA et al.; Dept. of Physics