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Results 5441-5450 of 8903 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2020Bi3+‐Er3+ and Bi3+‐Yb3+ Codoped Cs2AgInCl6 Double Perovskite Near Infrared EmittersARFIN, HABIBUL; Kaur, Jagjit; SHEIKH, TARIQ; Chakraborty, Sudip; NAG, ANGSHUMAN; Dept. of Chemistry
Mar-2021All-sky search in early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational-wave signals from unknown neutron stars in binary systemsLIGO Scientific Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, R.; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; SOURADEEP, TARUN et al.; Dept. of Physics
Jun-2020Landau-Zener transitions and adiabatic impulse approximation in an array of two Rydberg atoms with time-dependent detuningNIRANJAN, ANKITA; Li, Weibin; NATH, REJISH; Dept. of Physics
Aug-2021Photoresponsive hydrazone based synthetic ion transporter with tunale ionophoric activityTALUKDAR, PINAKI; WANJARI, PARAS; Dept. of Chemistry; 20161029
Feb-2022Neuroplastic Changes in the Superior Colliculus and Hippocampus in Self-rewarding Paradigm: Importance of Visual CuesAwathale, Sanjay N.; Waghade, Akash M.; Kawade, Harish M.; Jadhav, Gouri; CHOUDHARY, AMIT G.; Sagarkar, Sneha; Sakharkar, Amul J.; SUBHEDAR, NISHIKANT K.; Kokare, Dadasaheb M.; Dept. of Biology
Jan-2022Three-in-One C2H2-Selectivity-Guided Adsorptive Separation across an Isoreticular Family of Cationic Square-Lattice MOFsDUTTA, SUBHAJIT; MUKHERJEE, SOUMYA; Qazvini, Omid T.; Gupta, Arvind K.; SHARMA, SHIVANI; MAHATO, DEBANJAN; Babarao, Ravichandar; GHOSH, SUJIT K.; Dept. of Chemistry
Jan-2022Beyond waterfalls and dams: Riverscape genetics of two endemic mountain loaches in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspotSidharthan, Arya; DAHANUKAR, NEELESH; Sundar, Remya Lathika; Ranjeet, Kutty; Raghavan, Rajeev; Dept. of Biology
Feb-2022Incorporation and Utility of a Responsive Ribonucleoside Analogue in Probing the Conformation of a Viral RNA Motif by Fluorescence and 19F NMR SpectroscopyMANNA, SUDESHNA; SONTAKKE, VYANKAT A.; SRIVATSAN, SEERGAZHI G.; Dept. of Chemistry
Jan-2022Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Pn(I) (Pn=N, P, As, Sb, Bi) CationsDEB, RAHUL; BALAKRISHNA, P.; MAJUMDAR, MOUMITA; Dept. of Chemistry
Feb-2022Molecular Self-Assembly as a Tool to Construct Transmembrane Supramolecular Ion ChannelsMALLA, JAVID AHMAD; AHMAD, MANZOOR; TALUKDAR, PINAKI; Dept. of Chemistry