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Results 5631-5640 of 8903 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2021Constructing Cospectral Graphs using Partitioned Tensor ProductM., Rajesh Kannan; WANKHEDE, HITESH; Dept. of Mathematics; 20161167
Dec-2021Climate sensitivity analysis of Potential Natural Vegetation over the Indian monsoon domain using BIOME4JOSEPH MANI, NEENA; RANJITH, VISHAL; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science; 20161133
Dec-2021Calculation of Vapor-Liquid Phase Diagram of the Binary Mixture of Methanol and Benzene using Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo.MUKHERJEE, ARNAB; YADAV, MANJUL; Dept. of Chemistry; 20161174
Aug-2021Search for a new measure to quantify violation of statistical isotropy in the CMBSOURADEEP, TARUN; HIRVE, SHRIYA SHRIKANT; Dept. of Physics; 20161024
May-2020Olfactory subsystem in rodents: effects of temperature on odour perceptionABRAHAM, NIXON M.; JOSE K, FELIX; Dept. of Biology; 20151091
Dec-2021Status of phenology studies in Asian tropical forests and the effects of sampling effort on accuracy of estimating phenologyBARUA, DEEPAK; SUNDARESAN, APARNA; Dept. of Biology; 20162001
Apr-2021Mutagenesis and biochemical studies to understand the mechanism of stimulation of the GTPase McrB by the endonuclease McrCKAYARAT, SAIKRISHNAN; BANDYOPADHYAY, SUTIRTHA; Dept. of Biology; 20152018
Mar-2020Learning of odor timingABRAHAM, NIXON M.; DINGANKAR, ATHARVA ARUN; Dept. of Biology; 20151175
Dec-2021Topics in Inverse Galois ProblemPISOLKAR, SUPRIYA; SHARMA, SIDDHANT; Dept. of Mathematics; 20161026
Jun-2020Growth Study of Ag/AgTCNQ Thin Film at Solid-Liquid InterfaceBALLAV, NIRMALYA; S.L., ASWANI; Dept. of Chemistry; 20151186