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Results 6111-6120 of 8903 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2022Experimental investigation of a quantum battery using star-topology NMR spin systemsJOSHI, JITENDRA; MAHESH, T. S.; Dept. of Physics 
Nov-2022All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars using Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo O3 dataLIGO Scientific Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration; KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R; SOURADEEP, TARUN et al.; Dept. of Physics
Nov-2022All-sky search for gravitational wave emission from scalar boson clouds around spinning black holes in LIGO O3 dataLIGO Scientific Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration; KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R; SOURADEEP, TARUN et al.; Dept. of Physics 
Sep-2017Potential predictability of wet/dry spells transitions during extreme monsoon years: optimism for dynamical extended range predictionSahai, A. K.; Sharmila, S.; Chattopadhyay, R.; Abhilash, S.; Joseph, S.; Borah, N.; GOSWAMI, B. N.; Pai, D. S.; Srivastava, Anant Kumar; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Sep-2017Evaluating the contribution of avalanching to the mass balance of Himalayan glaciersLaha, Sourav; Kumari, Reshama; Singh, Sunil P.; Mishra, Aditya; Sharma, Tushar; BANERJEE, ARGHA; Nainwal, Harish Chandra; Shankar, R.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Jun-2014Thresholds of Oxidative Stress in Newly Diagnosed Diabetic Patients on Intensive Glucose-Control TherapyKulkarni, Rashmi; Acharya, Jhankar; Ghaskadbi, Saroj S.; GOEL, PRANAY; Dept. of Mathematics
May-2014A base-modified PNA graphene oxide platform as a turn-on fluorescence sensor for the detection of human telomeric repeatsSabale, Pramod M.; George, Jerrin Thomas; SRIVATSAN, SEERGAZHI G.; Dept. of Chemistry
Jun-2014Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and Incorporation of a Highly Emissive and Environment?Sensitive Uridine Analogue Based on the Lucifer ChromophoreTanpure, Arun A.; SRIVATSAN, SEERGAZHI G.; Dept. of Chemistry
Nov-2016A road map for improving dry-bias in simulating the South Asian monsoon precipitation by climate modelsGoswami, Bidyut Bikash; GOSWAMI, B. N.; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science
Jan-2017Brief communication: Thinning of debris-covered and debris-free glaciers in a warming climateBANERJEE, ARGHA; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science