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Results 6881-6890 of 8903 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2023Self-assembly of nucleotides and its implications for prebiotic chemistryRAJAMANI, SUDHA; TIKOO, SHIVAM; Dept. of Biology; 20181128
Feb-2023How Social Considerations Improve the Equity and Effectiveness of Ecosystem RestorationLofqvist, Sara; LELE, SHARACHCHANDRA et al.; Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences
May-2023Biochemical Studies of SARS-CoV-2 Non-structural Protein NSP14 and NiRAN Domain of NSP12KAYARAT, SAIKRISHNAN; NAVAS.P, MUHAMMED; Dept. of Biology; 20181077
May-2023Characterization of the oligomeric complex formed by SATB1 and SATB2 proteins and their interactorsGALANDE, SANJEEV; WADATE, ADESH; Dept. of Biology; 20181224
22-May-2023Pune scientist turns into podcaster — and wants to ‘humanise science’
Jul-2022Phospholipid Mediator Induced Transformation in Three-Dimensional CulturesKUTTANAMKUZHI, ABHIJITH; ANANDI, LIBI; CHAKRAVARTY, VAISHALI; LAHIRI, MAYURIKA; Dept. of Biology
Jul-2022Value expression in decision-makingBarton, David N.; LELE, SHARACHCHANDRA et al.; Balvanera, P.; Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dec-2022Differentiating between the sequence of structural events on alternative pathways of folding of a heterodimeric proteinBHATTACHARJEE, RUPAM; UDGAONKAR, JAYANT B.; Dept. of Biology
2022Star names in Indian culture -- a search leading to their evolutionShylaja, B. S.; PAI, VENKETESWARA R.; Hoffmann, Susanne M; Wolfschmidt, Gudrun; Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences
Feb-2022Cities, Settlements and Key InfrastructureDodman, David; SHARMA, SHALINI et al.; Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences