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Results 7221-7230 of 8790 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2019Automated Image-Quantification for Investigating the Mechanics of Cytoskeletal SpindlesATHALE, CHAITANYA A.; CHAPHALKAR, ANUSHREE R.; Dept. of Biology; 20123178
Aug-2019Chemo-Enzymatic Strategies to Functionalize RNA with Biophysical Probes Using Template Dependent and Independent PolymerasesSRIVATSAN, SEERGAZHI G.; GEORGE, JERRIN THOMAS; Dept. of Chemistry; 20122026
May-2019Stimuli Mediated Conformational Transitions and Detection of Different Secondary Structures of DNAHAZRA, PARTHA; SATPATHI, SAGAR; Dept. of Chemistry; 20143302
May-2019Supramolecular Self-Assembled Nanoparticle for Organelle Targeting in CancerBASU, SUDIPTA; GHOSH, CHANDRAMOULI; Dept. of Chemistry; 20143292
May-2019Design and Synthesis of Imidazole Conjugated PNA and Polypeptides as Nuclease MimicsGANESH, KRISHNA N.; PAWAR, PRABHAKAR; Dept. of Chemistry; 20123202
Jun-2019Radio Spectral Index Distribution in Galaxy Cluster Radio HalosATHREYA, RAMANA; SHWETA, A.; Dept. of Physics; 20113144
May-2019Designer Heterogeneous Nano-catalyst Using Covalent Organic FrameworksVAIDHYANATHAN, RAMANATHAN; MULLANGI, DINESH; Dept. of Chemistry; 20143296
Jun-2019Elevational Diversity Profiles of Aves and Lepidoptera (Sphingidae) – A Comparative Analysis in the Eastern HimalayasATHREYA, RAMANA; MUNGEE, MANSI; Dept. of Biology; 20113118
Oct-2019Investigating small scale particle acceleration events at the sun and its implications for coronal heatingSUBRAMANIAN, PRASAD; JAMES, TOMIN; Dept. of Physics; 20122039
Sep-2019Variation in sex organ dimensions across individuals, morphs and species: consequences for reciprocity, herkogamy, and reproductive success in species with style length polymorphismBARUA, DEEPAK; GANGULY, SHATARUPA; Dept. of Biology; 20123171