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Results 7241-7250 of 8903 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Nov-2019Hierarchical and synergistic self-assembly of wormlike micelle-nanoparticle system : A computational investigationCHATTERJI, APRATIM; SHAIKH, MUBEENA; Dept. of Physics; 20103090
Oct-2019Dynamics of inhibitory networks in the olfactory bulbASSISI, COLLINS; GARG, SHIVIK; Dept. of Biology; 20133247
Nov-2019Some Aspects of Non-equilibrium Polymer Translocation DynamicsCHAUDHURY, SRABANTI; GHOSH, BAPPA; Dept. of Chemistry; 20143345
Sep-2019Estimation of the Dimension of Cuspidal and Total CohomologyRAGHURAM, A.; AMBI, CHAITANYA; Dept. of Mathematics; 20143346
Oct-2019Structural and biochemical studies of the Type ISP restriction-modification enzyme LlaBIIIKAYARAT, SAIKRISHNAN; CHAND, MAHESH KUMAR; Dept. of Biology; 20123180
Dec-2019Metal-catalyzed oxidative transformations of carbonyl compounds: domino reactions, rearrangements, and continuous flow applicationsBOOPATHY, GNANAPRAKASAM; CHAUDHARI, MORESHWAR; Dept. of Chemistry; 20153378
Nov-2019Surface Ligand Controlled Photophysics and Photopatterning with InP/ZnS Quantum DotsPILLAI, PRAMOD P.; GAYATHRI, DEVATHA; Dept. of Chemistry; 20153379
Dec-2019Self-Assembled Graphene oxide Nanoparticles for Damaging DNA in Cancer CellsBASU, SUDIPTA; NANDI, ADITI; Dept. of Chemistry; 20122030
Nov-2019Biochemical, structural and genetic studies on the cytoskeletal proteins Fibril and MreBs from SpiroplasmaPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; HARNE, SHRIKANT; Dept. of Biology; 20133258
Oct-2019Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Redox Properties of Planar and Non-planar Macrocycles Derived from Thiophene SubunitsANAND, V.G.; GAUR, RAKESH; Dept. of Chemistry; 20113128