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Results 7331-7340 of 8903 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2021Motives of Algebraic StacksHOGADI, AMIT; DESHMUKH, NEERAJ; Dept. of Mathematics; 20153409
Nov-2021Dissociation Dynamics of Molecules Subject to Intense Ultrashort Laser PulsesBAPAT, BHAS; SEN, ARNAB; Dept. of Physics; 20142019
Oct-2021Seismic imaging of crust beneath the western Tibet-Pamir and western Himalaya using ambient noise and earthquake waveform dataRAI, SHYAM S.; KUMAR, VIVEK; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science; 20153398
Oct-2021Mechanisms underlying peptidergic modulation of feeding and feeding-associated behavioursGHOSE, AURNAB; MADUSKAR, ADITI; Dept. of Biology; 20122022
Sep-2021Quantum State Control of Two Interacting Rydberg AtomsNATH, REJISH; NIRANJAN, ANKITA; Dept. of Physics; 20142034
Nov-2021First Principles Investigation of Thermoelectric MaterialsGHOSH, PRASENJIT; SHARMA, GAUTAM; Dept. of Physics; 20153418
Oct-2021Atomic Chains with Rydberg Excitations: Bose-Hubbard Parameters to Correlation DynamicsNATH, REJISH; CHOUGALE, YASHWANT; Dept. of Physics; 20142031
Nov-2021Studies of glacier mass-balance processes and the climate response of glacier-fed rivers in the HimalayaBANERJEE, ARGHA; LAHA, SOURAV; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science; 20163452
Aug-2021Design and Development of Unconventional pH Differential Fuel CellsTHOTIYL, MUSTHAFA OTTAKAM; BHAT, ZAHID; Dept. of Chemistry; 20163432
Jan-2022Molecular Plasmonics: Directional Optical Antennas and Single Molecule SERSKUMAR, G. V. PAVAN; TIWARI, SUNNY; Dept. of Physics; 20152042