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Results 7371-7380 of 8903 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Nov-2022[Au]/[Ag] Catalyzed Synthesis of Benzyl Ethers, N-glycosides and MolnupiravirHOTHA, SRINIVAS; CHAKRABORTY, SAPTASHWA; Dept. of Chemistry; 20152027
Oct-2022Optical cavities coupled to 2D materials: Wavevector and Polarization StudiesKUMAR, G. V. PAVAN; CHAUBEY, SHAILENDRA KUMAR; Dept. of Physics; 20152040
Dec-2022On Zn ⋊ Z2-Hopf-Galois structures and unit group of some group algebrasMISHRA, MANISH; ARVIND, NAMRATA; Dept. of Mathematics; 20173544
Oct-2022Topics in Motivic Homotopy TheoryHOGADI, AMIT; YADAV, SURAJ PRAKASH; Dept. of Mathematics; 20163485
Apr-2023Theranostic Antibacterial Agents Based on Biodegradable Polymer NanoarchitecturesJAYAKANNAN, MANICKAM; GHOSH, RUMA; Dept. of Chemistry; 20163457
Jan-2023Aqueous OH-/H+ Dual-ion Gradient Energy Assisted Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion DevicesMUHAMMED, MUSTHAFA OTTAKAM; SUR, SOUMODIP; Dept. of Chemistry; 20152029
Feb-2023Characterization of Spiroplasma FtsZ: Insights into kinetic polarity and inhibitor bindingPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; CHAKRABORTY, JOYEETA; Dept. of Biology; 20152003
Jan-2023Dichalcogen Semiconductors for Optoelectronic and Spintronic ApplicationsKABIR, MUKUL; BHAT, BHAGYASHRI DEVARU; Dept. of Physics; 20163486
Apr-2023Exploring nonlinear effects in spin-systems using NMRT S, MAHESH; V R, KRITHIKA; Dept. of Physics; 20163496
Jan-2023Study of 1D Photonic crystals incorporated with thermochromic materials for energy efficient smart window applicationsDATTA, SHOUVIK; ., DIPTI; Dept. of Physics; 20142021