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Results 7491-7500 of 8903 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2020Laser cooling and trapping of strontium atoms for experiments towards precision measurements and frequency metrologyRAPOL, UMAKANT D.; VISHWAKARMA, CHETAN; Dept. of Physics; 20122035
Jan-2021Deciphering Structure-Functional Relationship of Heparan Sulfate using Iduronic Acid GlycansKIKKERI, RAGHAVENDRA; SHANTHAMURTHY, CHETHAN D.; Dept. of Chemistry; 20143293
Aug-2020Understanding Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Using the Drosophila Tripartite Synapse.RATNAPARKHI, GIRISH S.; TENDULKAR, SHWETA; Dept. of Biology; 20143317
Dec-2020Probing Dynamic Disorder in Single Molecule Event StatisticsCHAUDHURY, SRABANTI; SINGH, DIVYA; Dept. of Chemistry; 20153406
Nov-2020Anchoring Cu(II)-based Low-Dimensional S=1/2 Spin Lattices onto Functionalized GrapheneBALLAV, NIRMALYA; GUPTA, KRITI; Dept. of Chemistry; 20142012
Dec-2020Biogeochemical cycling of trace elements in a tropical coastal lagoon system (Chilika, India)TRIPATHY, GYANA RANJAN; DANISH, MOHD; Dept. of Earth and Climate Science; 20163435
Jan-2021Crafting pore architecture of water-stable microporous MOFs for selective CO2 captureVAIDHYANATHAN, RAMANATHAN; MAITY, RAHUL; Dept. of Chemistry; 20153366
Mar-2021Investigation of polar and magnetic ordering in Transition Metal Oxide thin film heterostructuresDATTA, SHOUVIK; MANDAL, RAJESH; Dept. of Physics; 20142027
May-2021Development of Activity-based Reporter Gene Technology (AbRGT) for Imaging of Protease Activity and its ApplicationsBRITTO, SANDANARAJ S.; BATHLA, PUNITA; Dept. of Biology; 20142003
Mar-2021Preparation of Main-group and Transition metal Graphenic Nano-composites for Energy ApplicationMAJUMDAR, MOUMITA; AKULA, NAVEENKUMAR; Dept. of Chemistry; 20153363