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Results 751-760 of 8903 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2022Behavioural context shapes vocal sequences in two anuran species with different repertoire sizesBHAT, ANANDA SHIKHARA; SANE, VARUN ANIRUDDHA; Seshadri, K. S.; KRISHNAN, ANAND; Dept. of Biology
Jan-2012(α,α-dimethyl)glycyl (dmg) PNAs: Achiral PNA analogs that form stronger hybrids with cDNA relative to isosequential RNAGOURISHANKAR, ALAND; GANESH, KRISHNA N.; Dept. of Chemistry
Jul-2020Posttranscriptional Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Yields Labeled RNA for Conformational Analysis and ImagingWALUNJ, MANISHA B.; SRIVATSAN, SEERGAZHI G.; Dept. of Chemistry
May-2022Biochemical characterization of Myxococcus xanthus MreB and Structural analysis of actin filaments with interacting proteinsPANANGHAT, GAYATHRI; AJITH B, AISWARYA; Dept. of Biology; 20171049
Sep-2020Parity of Chern numbers in the Kitaev honeycomb model and the sixteenfold wayFuchs, Jean-Noel; PATIL, SOURABH; Vidal, Julien; Dept. of Physics
May-2022Study of Unsupervised Learning for Images and Videos with Specific Applications to CCTV DataPant, Aniruddha; WANJARI, RISHABH; Interdisciplinary; 20171056
Sep-2020Conformation and Morphology of 4-(NH2/OH)-Substituted l/d-Prolyl Polypeptides: Effect of Homo- and Heterochiral Backbones on Formation of β-Structures and NanofibersMadhanagopal, Bharath Raj; More, Shahaji H; Bansode, Nitin D; GANESH, KRISHNA N.; Dept. of Chemistry
Nov-2022Magnetoplasmonics beyond Metals: Ultrahigh Sensing Performance in Transparent Conductive Oxide NanocrystalsGabbani, Alessio; Sangregorio, Claudio; TANDON, BHARAT; NAG, ANGSHUMAN; Gurioli, Massimo; Pineider, Francesco; Dept. of Chemistry
Jul-2015How are Forbush decreases related to interplanetary magnetic field enhancementsArunbabu, K. P.; Antia, H.M.; Dugad, S. R.; Gupta, S. K.; Hayashi, Y.; Kawakami, S.; Mohanty, P.K.; Oshima, A.; SUBRAMANIAN, PRASAD; Dept. of Physics
Aug-2015CME propagation: where does aerodynamic drag "take over"?Sachdeva, Nishtha; SUBRAMANIAN, PRASAD; Colaninno, Robin; Vourlidas, Angelos; Dept. of Physics