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Results 8851-8860 of 8916 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2024Spin-Frustrated Metal-Organic FrameworksMANDAL, RIMPA; NINAWE, PRANAY; ACHARYA, ARADHANA; BALLAV, NIRMALYA; Dept. of Chemistry
Jan-2025Energy Storage and Harvesting Potential of Eco-Friendly Ca-Substituted Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3/PVDF Ferro-Flexible Composite FilmsJena, Lalit Kumar; Chahal, Sumit; SAHOO, SUPRIYA; BOOMISHANKAR, RAMAMOORTHY; Asthana, Saket; Dept. of Chemistry
Feb-2025Earth-Abundant 3d-Transition Metal Metasilicates As Effective Electrocatalysts For Alkaline HER: CuZnSiO3 Outperforms CuSiO3 and ZnSiO3GHOGARE, TRUPTI; PATIL, INDRAJIT; Hossain, Mujaffar; BOBADE, RICHA; Mondal, Sukanta; Varma, Su; Das, Bidisa; OGALE, SATISHCHANDRA; Dept. of Physics
Feb-2025Entropy-Stabilized Half-Heuslers (TiHf)1/2(Fe1–xCoNi1+x)1/3Sb with Highly Reduced Lattice Thermal ConductivityKUMAR, ANKIT; VISHAK, SIVASUBRAMANIYAN S.; Das, Anustoop; Biswas, Kanishka; GHOSH, PRASENJIT; SINGH, SURJEET; Dept. of Physics
Oct-2024Search for production of a single vectorlike quark decaying to 𝑑⁒𝐻 or 𝑑⁒𝑍 in the all-hadronic final state in 𝑝⁒𝑝 collisions at βˆšπ‘  =13 TeVCMS Collaboration; Hayrapetyan, A.; ACHARYA, S.; ALPANA, A.; DUBE, SOURABH; GOMBER, B; KANSAL, B.; LAHA, A.; SAHU, B.; SHARMA, SEEMA et al.; Dept. of Physics
Oct-2024Measurement of the production cross section of a Higgs boson with large transverse momentum in its decays to a pair of Ο„ leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeVCMS Collaboration; Hayrapetyan, A.; ACHARYA, S.; ALPANA, A.; DUBE, SOURABH; GOMBER, B; KANSAL, B.; LAHA, A.; SAHU, B.; SHARMA, SEEMA et al.; Dept. of Physics
Aug-2024Search for Gravitational-lensing Signatures in the Full Third Observing Run of the LIGO-Virgo NetworkLIGO Scientific Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration; KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; SOURADEEP, TARUN et al.; Dept. of Physics
Feb-2025Visible Light-Induced Sequential Nitrogen Insertion and Benzotriazolation of Quinoxaline-2(1H)-onesMONDAL, SHANKHAJIT; MALODE, AKHILESH NARENDRA; LONDHE, GOKUL S.; GNANAPRAKASAM, BOOPATHY; Dept. of Chemistry
Feb-2025Ready, set, yellow! color preference of Indian free-ranging dogsRoy, Anamitra; MANCHALWAR, AAYUSH et al.; Dept. of Biology
Jan-2025The spread of an epidemic: a game-theoretic approachKarmakar, Sayar; PODDER, MOUMANTI; Roy, Souvik; Sadhukhan, Soumyarup; Dept. of Mathematics