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  • SAFEER, K M (2016-05)
    In this reading project I studied some interesting results in Riemannian geometry. Starting from the definition of Riemannian metric, geodesics and curvature this thesis covers deep results such as Gauss-Bonnet theorem, ...
  • JOHN, CHRIS (2018-05)
    In this project we study two approaches to the structure theorem of automorphisms of surfaces, one is a geometric method given by Thurston and second is a topological approach developed by Allen Hatcher. The structure ...
  • RAGHUNATH, SRIRAM (2020-04)
    In this thesis, we study Thurston’s approach to finding complete hyperbolic structures on 3-manifolds using ideal triangulations. This approach involves solving a set of equations called the Thurston’s gluing equations. ...
  • PHANSE, ADVAIT (Dept. of Mathematics, 2020-05)
    As every smooth manifold can be smoothly triangulated so triangulations are a useful tool to combinatorially study manifolds. It is known that any two smooth triangulations of a manifold are related by a finite sequence ...
  • BHAT, MEGHA DINESH (2022-05)
    We begin by studying hyperbolic geometry and hyperbolic structures on manifolds, looking at classical examples of hyperbolic manifolds and some important results on their structure and rigidity. We study hyperbolic knot ...
  • NAIR, RAMYA (2024-01)
    Seifert fiber spaces are compact 3-dimensional manifolds that are foliated by circles. Seifert fiber spaces with isolated singular fibers have been well-studied. We focus on Seifert fiber spaces which have singular surfaces ...