Accretion disks around black holes are at the heart of much of the activity ob-
served in active galactic nuclei and galactic microquasars. In turn, the structure
of accretion disks is governed by the micro-physical ...
The involvement of the nervous system and the mechanisms regulating organ development and regeneration is a area that is gaining prominence. In the present study, we have tried to understand the molecular basis for sterility ...
Membrane dynamics of Procyclin, a GPI-anchored protein in Trypanosoma brucei has been studied for the first time by z-scan FCS and FCS Diffusion Laws. The τ0 for procyclin is ~6.8 ms which indicates a cholesterol-dependent ...
In his 1956 paper, Selberg proved the famous Trace Formula for a semisimple Lie group
G and its discrete subgroup . The case when G = SL2(R) is quite well-known. In this
thesis, we look at the decomposition of L2(nG) ...
The mild and substrate compatible copper catalyzed 1, 3-dipolar cylcoaddition reaction between azide and alkyne (click chemistry) has been extensively used in the conjugation chemistry. Though the click chemistry has proven ...
Supersymmetry (SUSY) is one of the most appealing theories, which tries to explain some of the
experimental and theoretical shortcomings of the Standard Model. It tries to solve the Hierarchy
problem by introducing new ...
DNA ligase is an enzyme which catalyzes the joining mechanism of single and double
stranded breaks (Nicks) in DNA. They are required for DNA replication, repair and
recombination. DNA ligase requires either ATP or NAD+ ...
Skin acts as the body’s first line of defense protecting us from a host of invading pathogens. It is able to combat invasions by several commensal and pathogenic bacteria by the secretion of specific oligopeptides called ...
Contests between males are costly, and hence animals have evolved signalling tactics which are modulated based on the level of threat that they encounter. I studied intrasexual competition in male Psammophilus dorsalis, ...
Revealing and targeting novel cryptic pockets in a protein has become a major challenge in the field of drug design. Static experimental protein structures represent ensemble averaged lacking the dynamics of the real ...
Landing is a critical aspect of insect flight. The landing behaviour comprises of multiple components like deceleration, leg extension and orientation of the body towards the landing surface. We have used the housefly ...
This project aims to write down the Plancherel formula for GL(2; F) where F is a p-adic
eld. The Plancherel formula for SL(2; F) and PGL(2; F) are known, and we also have a
general form of the formula for a real reductive ...
Quantum measurement is analyzed from a conceptual point of view by comparing weak
and strong interaction regimes using von-Neumann’s measurement model and explicit
conditions for weakness have been derived for both weak ...
Control over the quantum world is expected to open new horizons in this century. \Given
a quantum system, how best we can control its dynamics?" is the question at the heart of
quantum control technology. Several ...
This thesis is in two parts: First part relates to tuning of the granular magneto-resistance
(MR), which naturally occurs in systems consisting of ferromagnetic (FM) metallic grain
and antiferromagnetic (AFM)/ insulating ...
The Standard Model fermions are known to be chiral in nature. Several new theories like composite
Higgs models, Randall-Sundrum model, GUTs etc. however predict the existence of new
heavy vector-like fermions. In this ...
Rational design of the non-noble, robust and low-cost functional oxygen evolution and oxygen reduction reaction (OER/ORR) electrocatalysts are greatly desired for fuel cells, rechargeable Zn-air batteries and water ...
Li-O2 batteries have become a promising candidate in the scientific world and can be a better replacement for the existing energy storage devices because of their theoretical high specific capacity. However, they suffer ...
Cell motility is one of the important functions performed by the bacteria in order
to survive. Myxococcus xanthus, a rod shaped bacteria exhibits two different types of
motility namely Adventurous Gliding motility ...