The Stable Marriage Problem is a classic problem of matching under preferences.
It involves two sets of agents, classically refered to as men and women each having a
preference list over the other set. A matching is a ...
We study classical and quantum dynamics of delta kicked Duffing oscillator. We look at
the Poincare surface of sections for classical system and Husimi distribution functions for
quantum system to study chaos. Attempt ...
Recently, flexible and wearable microelectronics has become one of the most exciting
and trending fields of research. Various types of flexible and wearable devices have
been introduced lately. In this work, we have ...
SnSe is a p type semiconductor belonging to IV-VI group of chalcogenides. It is a layered material with strong in plane covalent interaction and weak inter layer Van der Waal’s interaction. SnSe in Cmcm phase is known for ...
Nanotechnology and nanoscience are a fast evolving field which deals with the properties of the material at the nanoscale level. Harnessing these properties in the form of applications which can aid mankind is nanotechnology. ...
The thesis titled \Functorial Knot Theory", expository in nature, aims to show some recent
connections between Knot theory and Category theory. In the rst part we discuss how
the language of categories and functors e ...
Temperature is expected to increase by 3 to 6°C by 2100 in tropics. Tropical species
which are already near their upper temperature threshold are expected to experience
temperature above their tolerance limit. Tropical ...
In this thesis, the sensitivity of searches for the MSM model in a 13 TeV and a 100 TeV
hadron-hadron collider, were compared. The MSM predicts heavy right-handed neutrinos
which mix with the SM neutrinos. This model ...
Type ISP restriction-modification (RM) enzymes are bacterial defense systems that nucleolytically cleave foreign DNA entering a bacterial cell (restriction) and protect the host DNA from being restricted by methylating the ...
Drug Induced Liver injury (DILI) is one of the causes of liver failure. In severe conditions, treatment for DILI is limited to liver transplant. Therefore, there is an urgent need for therapeutics that may counter DILI. ...
Lasalocid A is a broad spectrum veterinary antibiotic given to cattle. However, it exhibits cross species toxicity and thus there is a need to develop lasalocid A analogs without cross species toxic effects. Lasalocid A ...
This thesis is the product of an introductory graduate level study of algebraic geometric
objects called toric varieties with devoloping necessary background in algebraic varieties,
category theory, scheme theory and cohomology.
We studied the properties of gold and CdTe/CdSe nanostructures using different characterization techniques. Coupling of plasmons in metal nanoparticles with exciton in semiconductor nanoparticles shows fascinating optical ...
There has been extensive literature available in the theory and practice of option valuation
following the pioneering work by Black and Scholes (1973). Contrary to subsequent empirical
evidence from the dynamics of ...
The rst observation run of advanced LIGO returned a surprising 3 detections of coalescing
Binary Black Hole (BBH) systems. Having shown much promise as strong Gravitational
Wave candidates lying within the aLIGO detector ...
We show that a Mott transition is possible in our model with a dimer placed
on each site of a Lieb lattice. To illustrate this, we map the lattice problem to
an impurity problem. Then we solve the impurity problem to ...
The urge for a renewable energy source to take over the conventional fossil energy sources
has always been a necessity. Thus a lot of work and effort has been spend on the photovoltaic
cell research which focuses on ...
We live in a modern world surrounded by networks ranging from transportation system
to nancial market. Network robustness is a matter of serious concern especially because
a network can collapse completely due to overload ...
Forecasting of exchange rates between currencies is of utmost importance in the nancial
world because its implication on imports-exports, trading and world economy in general.
Since exhange rates data is a sequential ...