The tremendous increase in population and rapid development has created serious
threats like energy crisis and environmental degradation. The rising price
of oil (petrol, diesel etc.) is threatening world's economies and ...
In this report, we have studied the spreading behavior of cosmetic oils along with sunscreen on PMMA and Teflon. It was observed that most of the cosmetic oils used, spread completely on PMMA where as on Teflon it makes ...
OH Megamasers (OHMs), including four spectral lines at
1.6 GHz, arise in
the central dust torus of a galaxy. OHMs trace several astrophysical processes;
they: (i) signal a speci c stage in the merger process of gas rich ...
Transparent and conducting thin films (TCFs) have turned out to be the materials
which are applicable in diverse areas in modern technology. These are the
materials which should be electrically conducting as well as ...
Ketenimine is a synthetic intermediate that has been applied in wide ranges of
reactions. Cu(I) catalyzed cycloaddition reaction of alkyne with sulfonylazide is
reported to form ketenimine intermediate which participate ...
It has been shown experimentally that structural changes occur on the Cobalt catalyst surface under Fischer Tropsch (FT) conditions which lead to significantly enhanced reactivity. The reaction occurs at the length scale ...
The orthoferrites BaFeO3−δ
can adopt several competing structural phases depending
on the oxygen content (3 −δ) of the formula unit which can be varied continuously between
δ = 0 to δ = ½. The end members at δ = 0 and ...
Stationary solutions of the fluid dynamic equations governing the infall of matter
on compact astrophysical objects have widely been studied by the accretion
astrophysicists to probe the nature of the emitted spectra ...
We have conducted a large scale blind survey for molecular absorption at high redshifts, using the CO/HCO+ rotational transitions. We have observed 549 radio-selected sources in the Ka and Q bands, in the frequency range ...
The viscosity of blood has long been used as an indicator in the understanding and treatment of disease, and the advent of modern viscometers allows its measurement with ever-improving clinical convenience. However, these ...
A synthetic pathway for the synthesis of multi-coded molecular recognition motifs anticipated to exhibit fully extended programmed molecular self-assembly was developed. These systems may find applications in the development ...
Is it possible to effectively transport light through the channels smaller than the wavelength of light? This is the question that we are trying to answer in this thesis, apparently question is at the heart of nanophotonics. ...
AKASH, G.(Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2014-07)
Neural circuits of innate behaviors which are necessary for survival are redundant
and hardwired as they are shaped by selective pressure. However, functional
organization of these circuits is poorly understood. Here we ...
On the frontiers of modern cosmology is quantum cosmology, which brings together
two speculative ideas: inflation and quantum gravity. While, there are theories such as
the ekpyrotic model, which do not make use of ...
Grad Shafranov equation is equilibrium solution of ideal MHD. Several method
is developed to compute it numerically [6], [7] but in this project a variational
moment method is studied to estimate the solution to the ...