Aging, the process of growing old, involves gradual biological impairment of normal function probably as a result of changes made to cells and structural components which ultimately affect the organismas a whole. Among ...
Modern techniques are being employed to carry out testing and characterizing bitumen. Attempts have been made to correlate the conventional physical tests (penetration test, softening point test) to modern techniques in ...
Since AFM was developed in 1986, much work has been done to enhance its resolution. In recent years Tuning forks are being used as a cantilever. Tuning fork as a tip-sample separation detector provides excellent stability ...
In this study, we examined the reproductive ecology of Randia dumetorum at Bhi-mashankar, which constitutes the Northern limit of Western Ghats. We investigated the various factors which affect the fruit set of the plant, ...
Studies on risky foraging strategies have largely ignored the underlying cognitive mechanisms. Behavioral decisions regarding foraging and risk evasion were studied in urban stray dogs by observing their use of alternate ...
In this thesis we review some of the ideas that come up while investigating the classical stability of spacetime geometries. We restrict to the case in which there is no matter. We derive all the necessary material from ...
This work reports the construction of magnetic tweezers that can apply a spatially uniform magnetic force on superparamagnetic beads viewed in an optical microscope. The apparatus, constructed and assembled on the current ...
The main aim of the project is to present a stochastic version of the model of
Insulin secretion in islets of Langerhans in pancreatic -cells by Pederson et al.(2009)
and account for integral copy numbers of the granules ...
Two naphthaldehyde based fluorescent Schiff bases were designed and synthesised successfully. 2-hydroxy naphthaldehyde and 2-methoxy naphthaldehyde were used for the reactions among which we successfully crystallised the ...
This project deals with the analysis of the granted mailbox patent applications in India. The applications which were specifically related to the pharmaceutical product patents and filed during the period from Jan 1995- ...
We study evolution of quantum correlations in ensembles of two-qubit nuclear
spin systems via nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. We use discord
as a measure of quantum correlations and the Werner state as an ...
The thesis surveys some interesting equidistribution problems and ergodic methods pertinent to number theory. In chapter 1, the Weyl criterion is introduced and we study the relationship between some equidistribution ...
Radio sources emit high luminosity radiations in the radio regime. There
are two types of radio sources: normal galaxies & radio galaxies. The radio
emission from these galaxies arises from synchrotron emission. Generally ...
N-nitroso-N-methylurea (MNU) is an SN1 type DNA methylating agent which forms the modified base O6-methylguanine. Two major pathways involved in mediating DNA damage response in mammalian cells are ATM through Chk2 for ...
In this thesis we give an exposition of John Tate's doctoral dissertation titled `Fourier
Analysis in Number Fields and Hecke's Zeta-Functions'. In this dissertation, Tate
proved the analytic continuation and functional ...
VAP-B is an integral membrane protein, located in the endoplasmic reticulum. In humans, a P56S mutation is associated with familial forms of motor neuron disease. One effect of the mutation is the aggregation of the protein, ...
This thesis presents an exposition of the basic theory of Elliptic curves over an arbitrary scheme with emphasis on the group scheme structure, the structure of the
N-torsion points on the group scheme, various applications ...
In this thesis we give detailed solutions of the exercises in the rst chapter of the
textbook 'Algebraic Geometry' by Robin Hartshorne. We have followed this with
an essay in which we have proved two theorems which bring ...